Sign Contracts Better

How to Sign Contracts Better – On Paper or Electronically

In the realm of business and legal transactions, the signing of contracts holds paramount importance. It signifies the formalization of agreements, the delineation of responsibilities, and the establishment of legal obligations between parties. And since the times are changing, the question about how to sign contracts better comes to mind.

As technology continues to advance, the traditional pen-and-paper method of signing contracts is being challenged by electronic alternatives. This shift prompts a critical examination of which method – physical or electronic – best serves the needs of modern businesses and individuals.

Let’s see how to sign contracts better – on paper or electronically, looking at pros and cons of both.

The importance of effective contract signing

Contracts serve as the backbone of business dealings. They facilitate agreements ranging from employment contracts and vendor agreements to lease agreements and partnerships. 

With stakes often high, the process of signing contracts demands careful consideration to ensure clarity, legality, and enforceability. Inefficient signing processes can lead to delays, misunderstandings, and even legal disputes, all of which can significantly impede business operations and erode trust between parties.

The rise of electronic signatures

The advent of electronic signatures has revolutionized the way contracts are executed. Electronic signatures offer convenience, speed, and accessibility. They allow parties to sign documents from anywhere in the world with a few clicks or taps. 

Moreover, electronic signature platforms often provide features such as document tracking, automated reminders, and secure storage, streamlining the entire contract management process.

Pros and cons of paper contracts

Pros and cons of paper contracts

In an era marked by technological advancements, the enduring appeal of traditional pen-and-paper contracts persists, offering a tangible and formal approach to agreement execution.

The main pros of paper contracts

1. Traditional feel – pen-and-paper signatures evoke a sense of tradition and formality, which may be preferred in certain contexts, such as high-stakes negotiations or ceremonial agreements.

2. Tactile experience – physically signing a contract can feel more tangible and personal, instilling a sense of commitment and accountability in the signer.

The main cons of paper contracts

1. Inconvenience – paper contracts typically require physical presence for signing, which can be impractical, especially for parties located in different geographic locations.

2. Slow process – printing, signing, scanning, and mailing paper contracts can introduce delays, prolonging the time it takes to finalize agreements.

3. Risk of loss or damage – paper documents are susceptible to loss, damage, or tampering, which can compromise their integrity and enforceability.

While paper contracts evoke a sense of tradition and tangibility, their reliance on physical presence and susceptibility to logistical challenges may hinder efficiency in an increasingly digital world.

Sign Contracts Better

Pros and cons of electronic contracts

The proliferation of electronic contracts has transformed the landscape of agreement execution, offering unparalleled convenience and efficiency in the digital age.

The main pros of electronic contracts

1. Efficiency – electronic signatures enable swift execution of contracts, eliminating the need for physical paperwork and reducing administrative overhead.

2. Accessibility – electronic signing platforms offer anytime, anywhere access. That way allowing parties to sign documents remotely using various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

3. Enhanced security – many electronic signature solutions employ advanced encryption and authentication measures to ensure the integrity and authenticity of signed documents.

The main cons of electronic contracts

1. Legal recognition – despite widespread acceptance, electronic signatures may not be universally recognized or enforceable in certain jurisdictions or for specific types of contracts.

2. Cybersecurity risks – electronic signature platforms are vulnerable to cyber threats. Such as hacking, phishing, and data breaches, raising concerns about the security and privacy of sensitive information.

3. Technical challenges – users may encounter technical issues with electronic signature software. Such as compatibility issues or system failures, which can disrupt the signing process.

Despite their numerous benefits in terms of accessibility and security, electronic contracts may face challenges related to legal recognition and cybersecurity, underscoring the importance of informed decision-making in contract management strategies.

What’s our pick?

So to make a valid conclusion – what would we opt for? Well, in the context of the modern business landscape, in our opinion, electronic contracts often present a more practical and advantageous option for several reasons.

Firstly, electronic contracts offer unparalleled efficiency and convenience. With the ability to sign documents remotely from any location and at any time, electronic signatures streamline the contract signing process. That way eliminating the need for physical paperwork and reducing administrative delays. This level of flexibility is especially valuable in today’s fast-paced business environment, where time is often of the essence.

Additionally, electronic contracts enhance accessibility, allowing parties to access and sign documents using various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. This accessibility fosters collaboration and expedites decision-making, as stakeholders can review and sign contracts without being bound by geographical constraints.

Furthermore, electronic signature platforms typically incorporate robust security measures. Such as encryption and authentication protocols, to safeguard the integrity and authenticity of signed documents. While concerns about cybersecurity risks exist, reputable electronic signature providers invest heavily in ensuring the confidentiality. And privacy of sensitive information, mitigating potential vulnerabilities.


In the age of digital transformation, the debate over paper versus electronic contracts underscores the need for flexibility, adaptability, and informed decision-making. 

So while traditionalists may advocate for the enduring appeal of pen-and-paper signatures, proponents of electronic contracts tout the benefits of efficiency, accessibility, and security offered by modern technology. 

And ultimately, the choice between paper and electronic contracts should be guided by the specific needs, preferences, and legal considerations of the parties involved. Then by leveraging the strengths of both methods, businesses and individuals can optimize their contract signing processes for maximum efficiency.

For more interesting work related articles look here:

So now you know how to sign contracts better – whatever your choice is! At the end of the day, the choice is very personal and both ways are still accepted.


Navigating the Highways of the Transport and Courier Industry

We often don’t think twice when we order a product online or send a package to a loved one. Behind that ‘two-day shipping’ promise or that ‘delivered’ notification lies a vast world of transport and courier professionals, ensuring our goods reach us timely and securely.

If you’ve ever been curious about the men and women working tirelessly behind the scenes, this article will be perfect for you. Let’s explore the bustling universe of the transport industry.

The day in the life of a transport worker

courier work delivery packages

Before discussing the pros and cons, let’s understand a typical day for someone in this sector. What’s the work life like for someone who is on the road, handling packages or coordinating deliveries?

A transport worker’s day often starts early, reviewing routes and ensuring vehicles are in prime condition. It is followed by either long-haul drives or multiple short trips, depending on the nature of the job. Communication is essential, liaising with dispatchers, other drivers, and customers to ensure timely and safe deliveries.

The role requires patience, resilience, and adaptability. It’s not just about driving. It’s about problem-solving on the go, navigating traffic, or finding an alternate route.

Advantages and career opportunities

Like every profession, working in transport and courier services has perks. Let’s explore some advantages and potential growth paths.

  • Flexibility: Many roles offer flexible hours, especially in courier services.
  • Variety: From being a driver to working in logistics, dispatch, or even customer service, the industry is vast.
  • Job Security: With e-commerce on the rise, the demand for transport services is ever-increasing.
  • Career Growth: With experience, one can move up to managerial roles or start their own transport or freight business.

The industry provides an excellent entry point for those who seek a dynamic job. The growth opportunities, especially with the boom in online shopping, are significant.

Disadvantages and challenges

While numerous perks exist, there are also challenges to be aware of.

  • Long Hours: Especially for long-haul drivers, the hours can be extensive.
  • Physical Strain: Handling packages and continuous driving can be physically demanding.
  • Isolation: Being on the road for extended periods might lead to feelings of isolation for some.

While the challenges exist, many find the independence and on-the-road experiences rewarding. We all experience stressful work situations sometimes, and it’s good to know how to disconnect from everyday stress. In the end of the day, it’s about balancing the pros and cons and finding what suits you the best.

Understanding salaries

courier salary

One of the most frequently asked questions is about compensation. How are salaries in the transport industry determined?

Salaries can vary based on the role, experience, and type of transport. A courier might be paid per delivery, while long-haul truck drivers earn based on distance or hours. Bonuses for timely deliveries or taking on challenging routes are also common. According to some reports, the average annual salary for a truck driver in Europe can range from €30,000 to €60,000, depending on various factors.

The earning potential, especially with bonuses and overtime, can be lucrative. However, it’s crucial to understand the payment structure of any role before diving in.

Latest trends

The world is leaning towards sustainable solutions, and the transport industry is no exception. The industry is adopting eco-friendly alternatives, from electric delivery vans to fuel-efficient trucks. It reduces environmental impact and, in many cases, offers cost savings in the long run.

Sustainable transport isn’t just a trend. It’s the future. For those entering the industry now, understanding this shift and gaining skills in sustainable transport will be invaluable.


As you contemplate career paths or gain a deeper appreciation for the packages at your doorstep, remember that every industry has its adventures and challenges.

If the open road calls out to you or logistics seems like your puzzle, perhaps the transport world awaits. Always choose a path that resonates with your passion and aspirations. Safe travels and happy deliveries!

Investment Clubs

Investment Clubs – How to Turn Your Hobby into a Social Experience

Today, I’m riding high on excitement because I’m diving into something that turned my financial hobby into a bonding experience – investment clubs. Yes, it’s as thrilling as it sounds. 

Imagine sitting with your friends, brewing coffee, debating stocks and bonds, and actually making money from it. It’s the ultimate blend of friendship and finance. 

So in this article I want to take you along. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to start your own investment club and what it really means for your social life and your wallet.

The inception – where dreams meet dividends

If you’ve been itching to invest but find the entire ordeal lonely or daunting, then an investment club might be your jam. Let’s discover what it’s all about.

To explain simply, an investment club is a group of individuals who pool their money to invest collectively. And all while learning and socializing. It’s like a book club, but instead of dissecting Hemingway, you’re dissecting portfolios.

Honestly, when I joined my first investment club, it was exhilarating! It felt like setting sail on an uncharted sea, but with a crew of friends guiding the way.

Membership – your fellowship of finance

A club is only as good as its members. Finding the right people for your investment club is crucial. So here’s what to consider.

You want members who are committed, punctual, and as enthusiastic about investing as you are. But most importantly, they should bring something unique to the table – be it their investment know-how or their ability to read market trends.

In my own club, we have David – the risk-taker, Susan – the analytical mind, and me – always the moderator. It’s this blend of personalities and skills that make our club meetings dynamic and enriching.

Structure – making your meetings matter

You’ve got your dream team, so what’s next? Structuring your meetings is vital. Let’s see what makes a successful meeting.

A structured meeting can include market analyses, member-led presentations, and investment discussions. Some clubs even invite guest speakers or financial experts. But don’t forget the snacks – investing is serious, but hey, we’re all human!

I’ll tell you – our meetings became something I looked forward to each month. Not just for the financial insights, but for the laughter, the debates, and yes, the occasional heated arguments over market trends!

Safeguarding your social circle

Clubs are fun, but remember, money is involved, and where money goes, legalities follow. 

An investment club is generally structured as a partnership, meaning you’ll need a partnership agreement. Additionally, you may also have tax considerations like filing an annual tax return for the club. Consult a legal advisor to ensure you are complying with all the requirements.

Navigating the legal maze was tricky, but boy, did it teach us about responsibility! It made our club not just a group of friends but a legitimate entity.

Investment Clubs

The emotional ROI

Investment clubs offer more than just financial gains. There’s an emotional ROI (Return on Investment) that’s too precious to quantify. The emotional rewards – like camaraderie, shared excitement, and collective triumphs or losses – make the experience priceless. It’s not just about building wealth because it is also about building relationships.

Personally, some of my fondest memories have come from these club meetings. The rush when our first collective investment paid off was electric. And it wasn’t just a win – it was OUR win.

Investment clubs that inspire

You might be wondering if this all sounds too idealistic to be real. But rest assured, there are plenty of real-world examples of investment clubs that have struck gold. Not just financially but also as a fulfilling social endeavor. Let’s look at a few inspiring examples.

  • BetterInvesting ClubsBetterInvesting, a nonprofit, has been guiding investment clubs for decades. Many of their associated clubs have seen steady profits and built lasting friendships. What I admire most is their commitment to education; it’s like a lifelong learning society but for investments.
  • The Beardstown Ladies – this club comprised of older women defied stereotypes and showed that anyone can master the stock market. Their story is so compelling that it even led to a book deal! If a group of ladies in their 70s can make it big, so can we.
  • The Money Tigers – and this club gained attention for its unique approach. They gamified investment strategies, creating a point-based system for good picks and successful market forecasts. It made the meetings not just informative but ridiculously fun!
  • Young investors club – created by young entrepreneurs, this club proves that you’re never too young to start investing. With a minimum age requirement of 14, the club introduces teens to the world of finance, which is both cool and inspiring.
  • TechInvest – this is an online investment club focusing exclusively on technology stocks. It combines the thrill of the tech world with the nuance of the stock market. As a tech aficionado, this speaks to my soul!

These examples are as varied as they are inspirational. From the aged to the young, from the serious to the playful, there’s an investment club out there that fits your style. Remember, an investment club isn’t a one-size-fits-all; it’s a one-size-fits-YOU.


In conclusion it is clear that investment clubs are a treasure trove of experiences, both financial and emotional. They make the abstract world of stocks and bonds intensely personal and relatable. So, are you ready to start your investment club journey? Trust me, it’s an expedition of a lifetime!

Before I sign off, keep an eye out for my next blog post where we’ll dive into some investment strategies that have worked wonders for our club. 

Until then, may your portfolios be as rich as your lives! 

Meanwhile check out our other articles on different kinds of hobbies:

Stay tuned for more articles with tips!

Social Proof

Use Social Proof and Build Brand Credibility

When was the last time you made an online purchase without first checking out the reviews, ratings, or testimonials? If you’re anything like me, you might find it hard to remember. This, my friend, is the magic of social proof in action. 

It nudges us, consumers, into believing that if a product or service works for others, it’ll work for us too. And fair enough, because most products do give similar value to all customers. So if something works for one person who shares it in the comments or reviews, we are inclined to think it might work for us too. It’s very simple!

So, in this article let’s dive in to understand how this powerhouse called social proof can transform product descriptions and elevate your brand’s credibility.

Make sure to understand social proof and its impact 

Social proof, a concept popularized by psychologist Robert Cialdini, is the idea that people conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are indicative of the correct behavior. In simpler terms, if everyone else is doing it, it must be the right thing to do, right?

The intriguing part about social proof is its pervasive influence on our everyday decisions, including our purchasing behavior. We’ve all experienced it. When we see a line outside a restaurant, we assume it must offer great food. When a product on an e-commerce platform has thousands of positive reviews, we tend to believe it’s reliable.

Social proof is like the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth marketing, which is one of the most trusted forms of advertising. It’s compelling, convincing, and, let’s admit, it’s a little hard to resist!

Incorporate social proof into your product descriptions

Adding elements of social proof into your product descriptions can be a game-changer. It’s a simple but powerful way to enhance your brand’s credibility and drive sales.

We suggest you start with incorporating customer reviews and testimonials directly into your product descriptions. This shows potential buyers that your product or service has been tried, tested, and loved by others. 

And when customers see that people like them have had a positive experience with your product, they are more likely to feel confident in their purchase.

Take Amazon, for instance. Each product page prominently features customer reviews and ratings. As a result, it is surely giving the potential buyers’ trust and consequently influencing their buying decisions.

Tips for leveraging social proof effectively

There’s an art to utilizing social proof in product descriptions. 

Used effectively, it can convince customers of your product’s value. Used poorly, it can seem insincere or manipulative.

Here are some tips on that:

  • Select compelling testimonials – not all testimonials are created equal. Choose ones that are specific and detailed about what your customers loved about your product. The more specific a testimonial, the more credible it seems.
  • Use real names and photos – when possible, include the real names and photos of the people providing testimonials. This adds a layer of authenticity that can be very persuasive.
  • Leverage influencer endorsements – if you have endorsements from influencers or industry experts, include them in your product descriptions. Their authority can give weight to your claims and boost your credibility.

If you make sure to follow these tips, you might as well start creating social proof effectively and see results soon!

Social Proof

Back up your claims with trustworthy data

In the world of marketing, numbers speak louder than words. Backing up your claims with data or statistics can further strengthen your social proof.

If your product has won awards or been recognized by reputable sources, mention it. If you have impressive sales numbers or user statistics, use them. But remember, accuracy is key. Misrepresenting data not only damages your credibility but can also get you into legal trouble.

For example, if your skincare product has helped 90% of users see an improvement in their skin within a week, that’s a powerful statistic to include in your product description. It provides tangible evidence of the product’s effectiveness, helping to instill trust and confidence in potential buyers.

Always highlight your best-selling items

Featuring your best-selling items is another simple yet effective form of social proof.

It sends a clear message: “A lot of our customers love this product, and so might you!”

Identify your most popular products and highlight them on your website. You can do this within the product descriptions themselves (“Our best-selling item!”) or through separate features or promotions.

For example, fashion brands often use phrases like “Customer Favorite” or “Top-Rated Product” to guide customers towards popular choices. This not only influences customers’ buying decisions but also helps less decisive customers make a choice.

And also invite customers to join your ‘tribe’

Lastly, social proof is about more than just influencing individual buying decisions. It’s also about creating a sense of community or a ‘tribe’ around your brand.

Invite your customers to be part of your tribe. Show them that by purchasing your product, they’re joining a group of like-minded people who share similar tastes or values. 

You can do this through user-generated content. Like photos of customers using your products, or through community-focused initiatives.

In Conclusion

Harnessing the power of social proof in product descriptions is a lot like storytelling; it’s about creating a narrative that your customers can see themselves in. 

It’s about showing them that your product isn’t just a solitary item but part of a bigger pictur. A picture that includes satisfied customers, reputable endorsements, and a community that shares their values.

By incorporating elements of social proof into your product descriptions, you can build credibility, foster trust, and, ultimately, convert customers. 

So, why not give your customers a nudge, guide them towards the ‘right’ decision, and watch your sales soar!

Check out more of our brand related content such as these articles:

May your brand reach the utmost success!

Team building mistakes

Team building mistakes to avoid: a quest example

Team building refers to exercises designed to push your group toward greater effectiveness. The objective is to promote group productivity; you want to encourage behaviors that will ultimately improve your KPIs. What is important is to learn about team building mistakes in order not to make them.

There are several activities to pick from depending on the goal you’re trying to accomplish: some will help your staff members develop more empathy and trust; others will help them realign themselves with company-wide goals and objectives.

In this article we will tackle some of the most popular team building mistakes as well as look at an example of a quest as a team building exercise.

The most common team building mistakes

Let’s start with some of the most common team building mistakes to look out from.

1. There are no set goals

A team-building activity assumes that, for some reason, the team isn’t collaborating as well as it could. Fixing the habits preventing the team from evolving should be the exercise’s aim.

You must be aware of the behaviors your team must engage in in order to achieve its goals. When the group returns, you hope that the ideal conditions created by the productive team-building exercise would encourage these behaviors to stick.

There is a good probability that your investment won’t result in long-term improvements if you don’t know what the exercise’s purpose is. The best-case scenario is that there may be a brief spike in employee morale, but no changes in knowledge, attitudes, or behavior.

2. You do not know your employees

Team-building exercises are disliked by a significant number of people. It is simple to understand why, particularly if the audience was not considered when the event was planned.

While some team-building exercises may be entertaining to some, they may be embarrassing to others. While those who detest puzzles will find a puzzle-solving activity boring, introverts will become anxious at the thought of taking part in social activities.

You can’t expect the team-building activity to be successful if your audience doesn’t participate in it.

3. Lack of communication

Make sure that everyone is involved from the beginning as you plan your great team event. Keep a few surprises in reserve, but keep in mind that your team members should be involved as early as possible in the event’s planning, preparation, and management.

Participating team members in the planning process helps to prevent a number of problems, such as dissatisfaction, a lack of motivation, and early team event rejection.

On the intranet, create a microsite in advance of your team event. This makes sure that each employee is always up to date on the essentials (such as where, when, what, and how to get there).

Check out our articles on similar topics such as What is a positive company culture and Corporate gift giving traditions around the world.

Team building mistakes

An example of a team building exercise, and what to take care of

Quests typically require team members to work together to solve problems and find clues. 

There are 2 types of quests that we will talk about:

  • Escape-room-like quests;
  • Outdoor quests.

Escape room quests are usually organized indoors. There can be several rooms and a story that the team must follow. The main goal is to get out (escape) of the room in just one hour. Team has to look for clues, follow instructions and be creative. 

Outdoor quests are usually organized in a set location, for example a park, a theme park or generally just in the city. Then the team members have to walk longer distances and the quest might take up a big portion of the day. For example, StreetQuest is a team building exercise that keeps your team entertained for hours. Exploring the city while bonding with your teammates.

Most importantly – the team has to work together. That is the main benefit of quests. However things can still go wrong at times. 

So here are some team building mistakes that could be made if you’re choosing an outdoor quest for your team.

Know that physical ability is different to each member

Some team members may have physical limitations that make it difficult for them to participate in certain aspects of the quest, such as running, climbing, or crawling. 

In the end this could cause frustration or embarrassment for the team member, and hinder their ability to fully participate in the exercise. Therefore it is crucial to choose a team building quest that is actually doable for all.

Take care of safety concerns

Depending on the nature of the quest, there may be safety concerns that need to be taken into account. Those always have to be taken into account as possibilities.

For example, since the quest takes place outside, there could be hazards such as uneven terrain, traffic, or wildlife. In addition, if the quest involves physical challenges, such as climbing or crawling, there is a risk of injury.

Plan out the quest as much as you can

Communication and planning are the main keys of a successful team building event. However insufficient planning could lead to a quest that is too difficult or too easy. It could also be too long or too short, or that fails to account for safety concerns. 

To avoid this, be sure to plan the quest carefully, taking into account the fitness levels and abilities of the team members, the weather conditions, and any potential hazards.

And when it comes to communication, provide clear instructions to team members before the quest begins. Make sure that everyone knows who is responsible for each task or clue.

Give room for equal participation

Finding out if your employees would be interested in an outdoor quest is always a good first step. However in some cases, certain team members may dominate the quest exercise while others are left out. 

That is also a possibility to consider. So maybe taking care of a middle person who could manage the quest is a good idea. That is why platforms like StreetQuest are good because they take care of a lot of the planning and organizing process.

This could be due to a variety of factors, such as personality differences or differences in skill level. If some team members feel like they are not being heard or that their contributions are not valued, this could lead to some conflict within the team.

By taking these steps, you can help to ensure that your outdoor quest is a safe, enjoyable, and productive team-building experience.

positive company culture

What is a positive company culture

Every organization, also known as a company, has a culture within. For the brand to be successful and productive, it is important to take care of this company culture. To figure out how to take care of it, firstly, it is essential to figure out what is a positive company culture.

A healthy workplace culture prioritizes employee well-being and provides support at all organizational levels. It has rules in place to promote respect, trust, empathy, and support.

In this article, find out more about positive company culture and how to implement it in your everyday workspace.

Wellbeing of employees

The first thing to think about in order to create a positive company culture is your employees’ wellbeing. It is important that the people you hire and welcome into your organization are feeling like a part of the team. Of course, wellbeing goes in a bunch of different standards and it can mean a magnitude of things.

Wellbeing means getting appropriately paid, getting a good work schedule and overall the environment. Every member of the team should feel like their values are aligning with the company’s values. In order for that to happen the common goals and values have to be heard and understood.

Another valuable part of well-being is the whole beginning of starting to work at a company. Also called the onboarding process which can be crucial for both employees and company bosses. If you do not know what this means, check out the article What is onboarding for a good explanation.

company values in organizational culture

Support and feedback

Employees who join a new workplace expect to receive support – especially during those first few weeks. So naturally, there has to be excellent communication from the boss’s side at the very beginning.

A great indication of a strong company culture is an environment with no secrets or hidden agendas. The staff members are not taken aback by any information they were not made aware of before it was announced at a meeting or when they checked their email.

New information is disclosed well in advance, and managers may even solicit assistance from staff in problem-solving. A good example is brands with mentoring programs. Every newbie has a trusted mentor they can turn to when anything is not clear.

Comfortable environment

One thing to think about is ensuring your employees have a good and comfortable working environment. Comfort can be measured in both physical and mental ways.

How people feel about their jobs and their company can be greatly influenced by the type of physical environment they work in on a daily basis. The overall feeling is greatly boosted by providing workspaces with amenities and benefits that matter to the workers. 

To retain staff, many companies provide free meals, reimbursements for supplies or lunch, conveniently placed office space, and other perks.

positive company culture

Everything starts with a positive company culture!

Building and sustaining a company’s culture is an investment that is worthwhile. If you want good employees that are a part of your success, then you must give them a good working environment. 

Hopefully you enjoyed this article. Let us know down below in the comments what are any other signs of a positive company culture in the modern era?

Check out some other articles such as Cool mugs to use everyday and Educational wall decals.

office room

7 Fun office team building games

Is there a lack of energy, communication or smiles in your workplace? Then it is time to try out some fun office team building games! Today we bring You 7 of these team building activities that are a lot of fun while also making people connect on a deeper level.
Some of these games can be played during lunch break, some after work, some for extended periods of time. For more serious and time consuming ideas we suggest you to take a look at after-work team building activities.

1. Mystery friend

mystery friend

This is a game that needs to be played over a period of time. We suggest trying it out for a month. At the start everyone anonymously pulls out a paper with a written colleague’s name. That is your mystery friend and your task is to simply secretly give him letters, candies, compliments etc. Employees can decide on how frequent this gifting process will be. You can do that by leaving presents on his table or agreeing altogether of creating mailboxes beforehand. At the end of the month the mystery friend can be revealed and then switched up again. This game is heart-warming and spreads kindness and positivity between each other.

forehead detective mini game

2 – Forehead detective

For this game You will need sticky notes. Everyone writes the name of a famous celebrity, fictional character on the sticky note. Then stick these notes on the forehead of the person next to You without them seeing the name. The task is to guess which character is written on your sticky note/forehead. You can also play a round of writing names of colleagues. This activity tells a lot about how people think of different celebrities and what are their thought processes to unveiling the answer.


3 – Marshmallow challenge

In marshmallow challenge employees are separated into teams that are fighting for any kind of prize. Then these teams receive a limited number and types of materials found in the office (such as spaghetti, marshmallows, erasers) and a time limit. The task is to build the tallest possible structure between the teams. In this activity, all the employees can showcase their architecture, engineering and building skills. The game turns out fun, because of the competitive time limit and oftenly very unstable final structures.

building platform

4 – Egg drop challenge

This game is a bit similar to marshmallow challenge in terms of necessary skills to excel at winning it. Employees split into teams are required to build a platform/contraption that will protect an egg without breaking when dropped from a height. Once again, there is a time limit but you can use any useful materials in the office. This mini game brings out creativity and competitive spirit with one small minus – broken eggs will have to be cleaned up afterwards.

blindfolded player

5 – Mine field

This is a game most people probably already know. Blindfold a colleague with a piece of clothing and send him to a different room. Then change out the layout of the room by moving furniture and adding other obstacles with even tying up wires everywhere.
After the room has been decorated, call in the blindfolded colleague. Now your task is to guide him through the obstacle course without him touching anything that You have set. Everyone can communicate with him only vocally. This game is a great communication exercise. You can also prank a new colleague by not actually moving anything in the room and giving fake verbal instructions.

small notes

6 – Two truths and a lie

This is a short and simple game that can be played when meeting new people or onboarding employees. Have everyone write three statements on a piece of paper. The catch however is, that one of these statements are false. Let other players guess it. This game lets you learn a lot about people who you spend time with on a daily basis.

Board game scribble

7 – Board games evening

Nothing beats a cozy evening playing your favorite board games. Gather your colleagues, let everyone bring their board games and have a simple yet effective team building evening. Test everyone’s strategic abilities, quick thinking and competitiveness by having a small tournament.

We hope you found this article useful and will give these office team building games a shot. This can also serve as an inspiration to improve your office team building games more seriously. We suggest You try all of the mentioned above and improve team spirit in the workplace. This will help in building a strong internal communication culture in the company.

internal communication culture

How to build a strong internal communication culture in the company 

Any organization’s ability to function effectively depends on its ability to communicate internally. While communication between team members and higher management is important for productivity and overall success, employees should feel comfortable doing so too. This is why internal communication culture is something to constantly improve in your company.

In this article we will compile a list of tips on how to build a strong internal communication culture that is up to date.

We have written a separate article on The importance of internal communication in a company’s success. Make sure to read that too if you’re interested in the topic of internal communication!

Let’s get started!

Create strong connections

Communication needs to be enhanced between team members as well as between workers and their managers. While doing management training sessions, be sure to address this. 

Direct reports will be easier to communicate with and keep on task for managers who take the time to get to know them and are willing to listen to them. Employees are more likely to feel connected when they believe that supervisors can solve their specific needs.

Encourage sharing

Provide a platform for knowledge exchange online. Provide a forum for employees to discuss news and trends in the sector since they probably read about these topics frequently. 

Employees will be excited to stay part of a project if they get the chance to demonstrate what they know. This will not only provide internal communication culture with greater focus, but it will also benefit business by allowing for the exchange of insightful information.

Lead by example

Would you recommend that workers stay late at the office to finish a job if you are the one leaving promptly at 5 PM? Would you freely discuss the financial issues facing your business before purchasing a brand-new luxury vehicle for yourself?

We really hope you declined since setting an example for others is one of the best things you can do. Make sure you communicate effectively if you want your staff to do the same. Make sure you share knowledge openly if you want your team to do the same.

Use effective communication tools

Around 3.8 hours a week are lost by office workers in pointless meetings that all could have been an email. Your team meetings can be more productive with careful planning, but sometimes the time and effort are simply not worth it. 

There are more effective ways to converse and work together. Using online team reporting and communication tools such as Zoom is one alternative. The productivity of engagement could increase by about 20% as a result of improved collaboration via social technology.

Run regular employee surveys

Do routine personnel surveys to find solutions to the current hot topics. Don’t only focus on goals and objectives; be mindful of how your team is feeling and thinking. It can be helpful to gain insight into the topics that are addressed over a casual cup of coffee and at the lunch table. 

This information has the potential to foretell future triumphs or disastrous failures.

Listen to what employees have to say

If you don’t know how to listen and process the new information, none of the preceding steps are worth anything. Listening is frequently more crucial than sharing knowledge. 

Asking for feedback is not enough; you must be able to patiently wait and pay attention to it. We only have one mouth and two ears, therefore we ought to listen more often than we speak.

We hope these tips were useful in building a strong internal communication culture in yourn company!

internal communication

The importance of internal communication in a company’s success

Information exchange between internal members of the same company or between employees at various levels is referred to as internal communication.

Today’s companies spend a lot of money on marketing and public relations to enhance their external communication, but they fall short in enhancing their internal communication.

In this article we will take a closer look at why internal communication is very important in every company. It relates closely to the company’s success and here’s why.

This article is inspired from a collection of tips on HOW GOOD INTERNAL COMMUNICATION LOOKS IN 2023.

Keeps everybody well informed

Internal communication is crucial since it enables you and your management to inform your staff.

It is important to keep everyone updated on upcoming company events, new company policies, staff headcounts, and other developments. Think about employing virtual phone systems to maintain internal communication.

You can efficiently convey crucial information with the appropriate individuals thanks to excellent internal communication.

More importantly, it aids in spreading the word to all employees, particularly in a way that motivates them to get invested in and participating in particular objectives and goals.

Betters the relationships between teams

With poor internal communication, teams cannot become stronger. Weak communication is the incorrect dissemination of information throughout all levels of a company, in our opinion.

A team that has effective internal communication works more effectively and has a better grasp of the corporate culture. They support one another in creating a symbiotic working connection and are more aware of the organization’s aims and objectives.

Make sure to read our other article on How to build a strong internal communication culture in the company.

team communication at work

Motivates employees

Certainly, we are not suggesting that you give drawn-out speeches about motivation to your employees during meetings. If your business has thousands of employees, this is not that easy of a task to accomplish in an effective way now, is it?

On the other hand, internal communication channels that allow staff members to commend and honor one another for completing any tasks or milestones can make excellent use of this. This communication tool can inspire your staff members and foster an atmosphere of celebration and gratitude within your company.

Improves engagement and productivity

Several strategies can be used to engage employees. Asking inquiries in the middle of a meeting or making a comment on a recent news that was put on the business updates will work. It might even be as basic as telling the rest of the firm what staff are working on right now.

Your staff members are more likely to share opinions and ideas when they feel that their voice matters, which is encouraged by internal communication.

Also, it will inspire people to go above and beyond for the benefit of the business’ success. Everybody wins in the end!

Improves company culture

Internal communication’s support to the creation of a positive workplace culture is yet another example of its value. The chance of employee retention increases if you give your team a feeling of ownership within your business.

Keep in mind that the quality of your internal communications will determine whether your employees decide to work for your firm for many years or depart as soon as they discover a better opportunity elsewhere.

Read more about company culture in our article What is a positive company culture.

internal communication

Important for crisis

To survive in a crisis without worsening, timely and attentive communication with employees and external stakeholders is essential. Yet, internal crisis communication study has discovered that managers speak to their staff much less when a crisis occurs.

Internal communication aids both short-term and long-term crisis management in addition to assisting you in controlling the narrative surrounding crisis situations. 

While long-term planning is more concerned with preserving the company’s reputation and taking action to stop bad things from happening again, short-term management deals with the issue itself.

Supported employee management

Internal communication is crucial since it makes it easier to manage your staff more effectively. In addition to efficient communication, many firms also suffer with personnel management, particularly in a remote work environment.

As we’ve already discussed, using various communication platforms enables you to address particular issues and concerns within your team.

Most significantly, it enables everyone to stay informed of recent developments and happenings within the business and to stay connected, involved, and on task.

Make sure to check out our other related articles such as Quotes about company culture

We hope this was useful to you!

Outdoor Digital Signage

Stay Ahead of Future Trends in Outdoor Digital Signage

Oh, what a time to be alive! As someone passionately entrenched in the realm of outdoor digital signage, I am thrilled by the pace at which technology is transforming this space. What once seemed like a distant dream is now turning into reality right before our eyes. Outdoor digital signage is not new anymore, and how exciting is that!

In this post, I want to share some upcoming trends that are set to revolutionize the way we use outdoor digital signage. So, if you’re as excited as I am about what the future holds, let’s dive in together!

Interactive signage – create conversations rather than monologues

You know, it’s not about talking to people anymore. It’s more so about talking with them. The future of outdoor digital signage is interactive. And it is already transforming the way businesses and customers communicate. 

For example, iImagine walking by a digital sign that invites you to play a game, provide feedback, or even make a purchase right there on the spot. It’s a game-changer, friends. Businesses need to start thinking about how they can make their signage interactive to create more meaningful and engaging customer experiences.

AI-powered personalization 

Artificial Intelligence is already shaping our world in so many ways, and outdoor digital signage is no exception. AI-powered personalization is an emerging trend that allows signage to adapt content based on who’s viewing it. Scary or fascinating? You decide. 

But imagine a sign that displays your favorite brand or tailors a message based on your buying habits! This level of personalization can increase engagement and conversion rates dramatically, making it a trend to watch and embrace.

Make sure to deliver the right message at the right time

Remember when digital signage content had to be manually updated and scheduled? Well, those days are fading fast. 

Now programmatic content delivery uses data and algorithms to automatically display the right message. And at the right time to the right audience. It’s like your signage has a mind of its own! 

This approach helps businesses optimize their outdoor advertising, saving time, and improving effectiveness. So start thinking about how you could incorporate this trend into your own digital signage strategy.

Outdoor Digital Signage

Integration with IoT devices – slowly connecting the dots

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming more and more common, from wearable tech to smart home devices. So why not integrate them with outdoor digital signage? 

This powerful combination opens up new possibilities for customer interaction and data collection. Imagine a passerby receiving a personalized notification on their smartphone based on the digital sign they just walked by. The future is connected, my friends, and the sooner businesses embrace this trend, the better they will be able to cater to their customers’ needs.

New trends are emerging, technology is advancing, and the ways we communicate are being transformed. As business owners, marketers, or just tech enthusiasts, we need to stay on top of these trends and think about how we can leverage them.

How to prepare for these trends as business owners?

Stepping into the future can be daunting, but it’s less scary if we’re prepared. Here are a few ways businesses can get ready for these emerging trends in outdoor digital signage:

1. Embrace the change

Firstly, it’s essential to foster an organizational culture that’s open to change and innovation. Technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate, and businesses need to be willing to adapt and evolve along with it. 

So, be sure to welcome these trends with open arms and an open mind. Only then you can integrate them into your company culture.

2. Invest in technology and skills

Next, investing in the right technology is key. Whether it’s advanced signage hardware for interactive displays, AI software for personalization, or IoT devices for integrated solutions, businesses need to invest in the tools. Ones that will enable them to leverage these trends. 

But don’t forget about the human element. There is no doubt that businesses also need to invest in skills development and training. That is very important because you must ensure your teams can effectively use these new technologies.

3. Keep the focus on the customer

Even as technology transforms the digital signage landscape, one thing remains constant: the importance of the customer. Every new trend should be evaluated in terms of its potential to enhance the customer experience. 

After all, the goal isn’t just to keep up with technology for its own sake. It’s also to use technology to better serve our customers.

4. Make sure to collaborate 

Lastly, remember that you’re not alone on this journey. Collaborating with tech providers, digital signage experts, and other businesses can provide valuable insights and resources. 

Don’t hesitate to seek out partnerships that can help you navigate these exciting new trends.

The more I think about the future of outdoor digital signage, the more excited I get. We’re on the cusp of some truly revolutionary changes that have the potential to transform the way we connect with customers and build our brands. 

Check out our other articles such as:

for more business tips. 

Remember, the future is not just coming – it’s here. So let’s make the most of it!

Employee orientation vs. employee onboarding

Employee orientation vs. employee onboarding

The Employee onboarding and employee orientation are two important processes that companies use to help new hires transition into their roles.

Employee Onboarding

Onboarding is a comprehensive process that begins before the employee’s first day and continues for several months. It involves paperwork and administrative tasks, such as preparing and signing contracts, tax forms, and other paperwork. It also includes orientation sessions and meetings with a mentor, supervisor, or manager to help the employee learn the ropes.

Onboarding also involves providing the new hire with vital information, such as company policies and procedures. Job expectations, and job duties. The purpose of onboarding is to make sure the employee is comfortable in their new role. To feel confident in their ability to perform their job duties.

Employee Orientation

Employee orientation is a process that takes place on the first day of work. It includes introducing the employee to their new workplace, colleagues, and supervisors. During orientation, the employee learns about the company’s history, culture, mission, and values.

Receive a tour of the workplace, be trained on the use of any equipment they will be using. Receive an overview of the company’s policies and procedures. The purpose of orientation is to ensure the employee is comfortable in their new environment. Has the information they need to be successful in their new role.

Employee orientation vs. employee onboarding

Why both matter and provide value

Onboarding and orientation are both important processes that help new employees transition into their roles. Onboarding helps to ensure that all the paperwork is taken care of. That the employee is familiar with the company’s policies and procedures.

Orientation helps to ensure that the employee is comfortable in their new workplace. Has all the information they need to be successful in their role. By providing both onboarding and orientation, companies can help new hires transition into their roles faster and more smoothly.

Onboarding focuses on the paperwork and administrative tasks that need to be completed before the employee’s first day. Orientation focuses on introducing the employee to their new workplace and colleagues. Both are essential to ensure new employees are able to hit the ground running. Become productive members of the team.

Final thoughts

It is important to recognize the differences between employee orientation and onboarding, and why both processes are needed. Orientation helps new employees transition into their role. By providing the information and resources they need to hit the ground running.

Onboarding helps reinforce the company’s culture and values and ensures that new hires have the support they need to thrive. Both processes provide value for employers and employees. That should be seen as an opportunity to build relationships and create an environment of success.

Hope you found this article useful and if you are interested take a look at our other articles about What are the onboarding synonyms and What is the opposite of onboarding.

everyday stress

How to disconnect from everyday stress

It seems that we have all been in a situation where it seems that the reins are breaking. If too much is piled on your shoulders, your body can become stressed. In this article, we’ve put together a few ideas to help you disconnect from everyday stress and worries.

Most people have experienced stressful situations in their lives. Some people decide to cope with stress in unhealthy ways, for example by consuming alcohol or drugs. However, this does not lead out of the pit, but deeper into it.

The good news is that there are many healthy ways to cope with life’s difficult moments. Here are some of them.

Physical activity

Sport not only improves physical health, it also makes a huge contribution to mental health. Physical activity has been scientifically proven to improve mood, and for a while – up to 48 hours – after playing sport. It is therefore advisable to make sport a part of your daily routine.

If you don’t want to go to the gym, choose something you like to do – it could be a long walk in the fresh air, jogging or swimming. If you like to be in company, choose group exercise.

When exercising, focus on what you are doing – it will leave you less time to think about things that are bothering you. However, it is also important to keep a balance and not to use up the last of your energy. Sport should not be a chore, but a process that brings joy.

Consider visiting a retreat

Retreats are growing in popularity, and for a good reason. It’s a fantastic opportunity to take some time for yourself and disconnect from life as usual. Retreats are like a little getaway – you settle down in a beautiful place and indulge in the various activities organised by the organisers.

Often, retreats are based on meditation. Meditation has stood the test of time and has not left people’s lives. It calms, invigorates and gives peace and quiet. Meditation can help you to reassess your priorities and a retreat may be the first step towards a stress-free life.

Read more in our article on a particular kind of retreats – Why go on a silence retreat.

disconnect from everyday stress

Good sleep

Deep, healthy sleep helps restore moral and physical resources. Often, people who experience everyday stress also have sleep disorders such as insomnia or nightmares. If you are well rested and alert, you can also cope more easily with everyday worries.

We often hear that before making a big decision or solving a problem, it is a good idea to get a good night’s sleep first and then act with a clear head. There are different ways to improve the quality of your sleep. A heavy blanket, lavender oil, exercise before sleep. If it all seems too much, a little nap won’t go amiss.


When was the last time you picked up a book? Reading not only improves your vocabulary and imagination, it also helps you relax and relieve stress. An engaging book is a great tool to help you fall asleep for hours.

If you want to improve your well-being but also add value, you can read books in a foreign language. It doesn’t have to be fiction. Any literature that matches your interests will be fascinating. If you don’t enjoy reading, you could try audio books.

reading to releave stress

Talk it out

If you feel anxious and depressed, it is important not to keep it to yourself. A heart-to-heart talk with someone close to you can help you calm down and sort out your thoughts. The perspective of others can help to solve a problem. Sometimes we do not see the solution that is right in front of our eyes, while others take it for granted.

If you are not sure you want to discuss your problems with a friend or relative, consider seeing a psychologist. Everyone needs a confidant. Talking is part of socialising, a supportive shoulder can help relieve everyday stress.

And if you experience work related stress, check out the article Stress relieving activities to find out how to deal with work stress.

Going to a SPA

Swimming pool, Jacuzzi, relaxing massages and beauty treatments. Sound good? Relaxing in a spa centre will be an excellent way to unplug from worries and everyday stress. If you want to combine a spa visit with a short trip aroundyour country, choose a break in another city.

A spa will not only help you relax, but also improve your appearance and health. You can invite a friend or other close person to join you. A pleasure shared is a double pleasure.

Go on an adventure

Have an adventure! Maybe there’s something you’ve been wanting to try for a long time but haven’t made time for? Maybe it’s skydiving, quad biking or a masterclass that will develop your skills?

It’s important not to get stuck in a routine. Every now and then you need a little adventure or a new experience to boost your mood and get you back into the routine.

Hopefully these tips on how to disconnect from every stress helped you out!

What are the onboarding synonyms

What are the onboarding synonyms

Onboarding process may be similar across organizations, the terminology used to refer to it can vary. Here is a list of some of the ways employee onboarding may be called in various organizations.

Knowing new employee onboarding synonyms can be useful in helping to ensure that everyone involved in the onboarding process is on the same page. Making communication smoother and more efficient. It can help to prevent misunderstandings and ensure clear expectations are set.

Onboarding synonyms

Below is a list of several synonyms for the employee onboarding process. Some of them have the same meaning as new employee onboarding. Some of them have slightly different meanings.


Orientation is the most common way to refer to employee onboarding. It usually involves introducing new hires to the organization, giving them a tour of the workplace, and providing them with information about the company.


Onboarding is the most direct way to refer to the employee onboarding process. It is typically used to refer to the entire process of integrating a new hire into the workplace, from the initial orientation to the final onboarding review.


It typically involves making sure that new hires understand the organization’s values, culture, and policies.


It usually involves helping new hires become familiar with the workplace environment and familiarize themselves with the organization’s culture.


To refer to the employee onboarding process. It usually involves introducing new hires to the organization’s processes and procedures. This also helps them get accustomed to the workplace.


Immersion is a term used to refer to the onboarding process that involves immersing new hires in the company culture. That helps them to become familiar with the organization.


It typically involves providing new hires with information about the company, its culture, and its policies.

Final thoughts

No matter what your organization calls the employee onboarding process, it is important to ensure that new hires are welcomed and have a smooth transition into the workplace. The right terminology can help make sure that new hires understand the importance of the onboarding process.

Hope you found this article useful and if you are interested take a look at our other articles about Employee orientation vs. employee onboarding and What is the opposite of onboarding.

What does onboarding mean for a job

What does onboarding mean for a job

If you want to find out what does onboarding mean for a job, here will be my answer.

Onboarding is an important process that happens when someone starts a new job. It’s a way for the company to introduce the new employee to the organization, the job they’ll be doing, and the people they’ll be working with. 

In this blog post, I will share the basics of onboarding and discover how you can start implementing it in your own business.

Onboarding to integrate the new employees

So as we mentioned in the very beginning, for many businesses, onboarding begins even before a new employee is hired. For new staff, onboarding is a way to integrate new hires into the business. 

It’s an opportunity to introduce them to key people in the company, to orient them to the workplace, and to give them the resources and skills they need to succeed in their new position.

When you onboard a new employee, you give them the necessary resources for success. This can mean bringing new employees in for one-on-one interviews with key staff members, giving them a tour of your facilities, providing them access to important resources, and giving them a list of important tasks to complete.

What does onboarding mean for a job

Helping the new hires understand the basics

When a new employee starts, they don’t know anything. They don’t know the culture, they don’t know the procedures, and they don’t know the company’s policies. During onboarding, you help them understand these basics. You teach them the procedures, you explain company policies, and you show them how to be successful in their new role.

Onboarding isn’t only about teaching new hires how to perform tasks. It’s also about helping them understand the company. By introducing them to key people, you give new hires a chance to connect with their colleagues. 

You also help them learn the culture of the company. They learn how and why your company does things a certain way. This helps new employees feel more engaged and included.

Now you know what does onboarding mean for a job and the new hires involved. If you want to have more detailed explanation, please read it on blog Onboarding FAQ article Does Onboarding Mean I Got The Job.

See our other articles on related topics – What is the opposite of onboarding and How to make onboarding more efficient.

opposite of onboarding

What is the opposite of onboarding

Onboarding helps new customers familiarize themselves with how the product or service works, and it helps customers make the most of their purchase. It can also mean beginning a new job position for employees. The opposite of onboarding, then, is de-boarding or mostly known as off-boarding. 

In this blog post, we will find out what is the opposite of onboarding and analyze the relationship between on-boarding and de-boarding.

What is onboarding

Let’s take a look at onboarding in the context of clients and customers. The onboarding process teaches people how to use a product or service, so they get the most out of it. It is generally a set of processes, tools and training that take the customers through the process of using the product or service. 

The onboarding process can be long or short, depending on the product or service. For instance, after buying a new car, many auto manufacturers provide a 30-minute or hour-long training session on how to use the car’s features. After the session, the customer knows how to operate the car properly.

Onboarding usually starts when a customer first has an opportunity to use the product or service. The whole process usually starts with a warm welcome, which helps the customer feel comfortable. It also helps customers understand the product by helping them learn about its features. 

opposite of onboarding

The opposite of on-boarding – de-boarding

The opposite of on-boarding is off-boarding or de-boarding. For the sake of this article, we will use the term deboarding.

De-boarding is a process that helps people stop using a product or service. De-boarding helps customers understand the product better so they can stop using it. The de-boarding process generally starts with welcoming the customer’s departure. The de-boarding process also teaches customers about how to use other products and helps them make other purchases. 

The de-boarding process ends with the departure of the customer. The on-boarding process teaches people how to use a product or service, so they get the most out of it whereas de-boarding is the exact opposite.

Now you know what is the opposite of onboarding and what it means to de-board. 

Check out our other articles such as How to make onboarding more efficient and Delivering constructive feedback at work.

how to automate onboarding process

Few ideas how to automate onboarding process 

When it comes to onboarding, the process has to be as smooth as possible. It is one of the first impressions a new employee is going to get. Therefore it is important to make sure that onboarding lasts a while and the whole process is both educational and enjoyable. One way of improving onboarding is to find out how to automate onboarding process.

To learn more on onboarding, check out our other article How to make onboarding more efficient.

In this article find out some ideas on how to automate onboarding process and make it easier for everybody involved.

Always trying to get better

Based on Gallup data, only as little as 12% of employees think that the onboarding process at their company is smooth and overall effective. It is crucial for the employees to be taken care of, especially in those very first weeks and months of starting a new job position. That is why you, the manager or the boss, have to always strive to get better.

Onboarding just like any other corporate process can always get better – be perfected until it is smooth running. Automatization of this whole process is a very important step that will make it much easier for both parties. 

how to automate onboarding process

How to automate the onboarding process

Automating the onboarding process will help out in saving time for the Human Resources department. When the company has a lot of regular newbies starting the job, onboarding can take a lot of the time that the HR department already does not have.

So here are some ideas on how to automate the onboarding process. Some of these ideas are inspired by the article How to make the onboarding process better.

Set up an employee profile

It is important to sign up your employees for everything they will be using for their work as soon as possible. That can include a variety of different programmes and working softwares. From there on the employees can slowly start figuring out how the programmes work and where everything is. These programmes can be Google Drive, Slack, Clickup, Evernote and others.

Another reason for setting up an employee profile is to get rid of the paperwork. Most time paperwork is what holds up the onboarding process the most. It usually takes a lot of time and waiting for the other party to read and sign everything. So an automated version will be much more convenient.

Create an HR chatbot

When it comes to being there for the new employees, questions will develop. It is only natural that a new workplace will bring a lot of unknown. To make the HR department’s life much easier, there is an option to automate Q&A forms.

For example, it could be an HR chatbot that would be available to employees at all times. It could have the most popular answers to the questions. Or if the chatbot cannot answer the question, it gets redirected to a real human who can then further help out. This would save a lot of time.

automated onboarding process

Record the training program

Another way to automate the onboarding process is to record the whole process at first. Onboarding is a never ending because employees will always get hired and have to go through this process one after another. So it will be helpful for others to see a recording of how things go – it could also be a presentation.

That way each and every employee can learn at their own pace. All of the material is prepared ahead of the time so they do not have to worry about not catching on at the very beginning. 

Check out our related articles such as What is a positive company culture and Delivering constructive feedback at work.

how to make onboarding more efficient

How to make onboarding more efficient

For HR professionals, finding the appropriate personnel can be tough. In this regard, such a question as how to make onboarding efficient can be quite important to figure out. By successfully acquainting new hires with the company’s culture, standards, and objectives, the goal is to help them feel at ease.

So in this article we have compiled a list of tips and tricks on how to make onboarding process more efficient. 

Some of these tips have been inspired from the article How to improve onboarding process so make sure to check it out.

Assembling a team for onboarding

It is important to ensure a smooth onboarding process whether it be for clients, employees or partners. First thing’s first – you need a good team that will ensure the onboarding process and help out to those who need it. 

Managing the planning, execution, and monitoring of the onboarding process requires a team effort. As a result, an onboarding team made up of executives, specialists, and a manager should be formed. 

The onboarding process’s goals, objectives, tactics, and procedures will be decided by this team. They will also make sure the onboarding procedure is well-planned and efficient. This onboarding team is responsible for developing onboarding procedures, handling paperwork, welcoming and assisting new hires, facilitating tours, giving presentations on culture, laws, and regulations.

how to make onboarding more efficient

Technology can be quite helpful

Automatization of the onboarding has been a popular technique for quite some time already. Using technologies in such ways is truly beneficial when it comes to saving resources, time and energy. All of the paperwork can be filled out automatically whenever the new employee has the time for it. 

Besides, oftentimes it can be way more interactive and interesting. Many big brands choose automated onboarding as gamification, for example. 

Delivering constructive feedback at work is another way in which automated solutions will be an amazing way of handling communication. That way everybody will feel safe and heard.

In conclusion, there are quite a few ways to make onboarding more efficient. You as an employer have to find the ones that fit your company’s culture and opportunities the most.

See more of our related articles here – I don’t fit the company culture or Am I engaged at work.

Huggies diaper sizes

How to choose the right Huggies diaper size?

Finding the right size of diapers for your baby can be difficult, especially if you have just become a parent. In addition to good absorption and air circulation, you also need to find nappies that fit your baby’s body well. If you choose nappies that are too small, they will be too tight and cause discomfort for your baby, while diapers that are too big can cause leaks.

To avoid any difficulties, here you will find an in-depth Huggies diaper size guide, which includes all Huggies sizes.

Which Huggies nappies to choose?

Huggies diaper variety

To find the perfect diapers you need to consider what the nappies are for. If your baby crawls or walks, you will need diapers with an elasticated fit and secure leg cuffs.  If you are looking for nappies for nighttime, you will need ones that fit snugly and do not move.

Huggies sells six different types of diapers. Little Snugglers are for newborn babies and Little Movers are for babies who have outgrown the first series. The Snug & Dry nappies have a LeakLock function, which is the best way to retain moisture. The Night diapers are designed to protect baby during sleep. Pure & Natural are eco-friendly diapers and Pull-Ups are for toilet training.

How do I find the right Huggies diaper size?

Huggies diaper size chart

When choosing the best nappy size, first check the Huggies diaper size chart. It shows that:

  • P (for premature babies) size for babies under 3 kg
  • N (newborn) size for babies under 4.5 kg
  • Size 1 for 4-6 kg baby
  • 2 Size for 5-8 kg baby
  • 3 Size for 7-13 kg baby
  • 4. Size for 10-17 kg baby
  • 5. Size for baby over 12 kg
  • 6. Size for baby over 16 kg
  • 7. Size for baby over 19 kg

A little tip – if your baby is between two sizes, choose the smaller size to prevent leaks. However, if you find that the leg cuffs leave an imprint, it is better to choose the larger size.

If you are still in doubt, there is a Calculator on the Huggies website where you can enter your baby’s weight and it will calculate the right Huggies diaper size and how many nappies you need for one day.

How do I know if nappies fit?

Huggies diaper size

When finding a suitable fitting nappy, check for waist and thigh gaps. Diapers should be secure but not leave marks. Here are a few indicators that will tell you if you have chosen the right size.

Fit below the umbilical cord

A properly fitting diapers should fit just below your baby’s umbilical cord. If the nappy sits too low, the size should be increased. Diapers that sit low will leak and be uncomfortable.

Cuffs should not be loose

The leg cuffs of diapers must fit snugly and securely. If there are gaps at the thighs, the nappies will not fit properly and will leak. When putting on the diaper, make sure that the frills are pulled out, otherwise they will cause gaps.

It is possible to insert two fingers below the waist

To check the fit of the diaper, try putting two fingers under the waistband. If you can, the diapers fit well and the size is correct. If you can’t, the nappies are probably too tight. In this case, you need to choose a larger size.

Leave no trace

Well-fitting nappies should be secure around the waist and around the legs. If the diapers leave marks on your baby’s skin, they may be too tight and indicate that you need a larger size. In the worst cases, they can even leave red scuff marks.

When to go up to the next size?

Huggies diaper size

As mentioned above, it’s time to go up a size if the pampers are covering the belly button or the elastics are starting to leave imprint marks. A few signs of a size change are frequent leaks, gaps in the sides of the diaper, not being able to put two fingers under the waistband of the nappy, baby showing discomfort, the diaper being difficult to put on and the diaper not covering the baby’s bottom completely.

If you enjoyed this article and are looking for more useful tips, be sure to check out Why choose Huggies diapers?

I don't fit the company culture

I don’t fit the company culture

It goes without saying that you should not work for a company whose culture does not match your personality. However there might be different situations that you have found yourself in this position. For example, once I recognized I don’t fit the company culture only after joining the company. What to do then?

First of all, check out my article What is a positive company culture. That is what you should be looking for when looking for a new company to work at.

In this article I have compiled a list of some tips on what to do if you feel like your own values and opinions are not validated or accepted in the company culture.

Figure out what makes you feel this way

Before you overreach that everything has gone awfully wrong, give yourself a moment to figure out why you feel this way. Identify the problem.  Company culture can be difficult to comprehend. While you may immediately think of perks like free food and rooftop parties, you already know that culture is much more than that.

I don't fit the company culture

The essence of a company’s culture is made up of intangibles such as norms, values, and beliefs. For example, a complex hierarchy versus a flat structure, or a company that prioritizes continuous feedback versus a single rigid performance review.

Let’s be honest. It’s difficult to get a sense of all of these things until you dive in headfirst and become a part of an organization. But, before you start panicking, take a step back and figure out exactly what’s making you uneasy about your new boss or workspace.

Pick your desired culture type

There are 4 main culture types to choose from – social, dependable, enterprising and hierarchical. 

Social Culture: In this workplace, the distinction between personal and professional connections is frequently blurred. You might start chatting with your colleagues who soon can become friends. While this isn’t necessarily bad, not everybody can work this way. At times you need to set boundaries when you are not bothered, working productively.

company culture types

Dependable Culture: This organization places a strong emphasis on processes and daily predictability. Everything has a plan and a somewhat strict way of working. Anything that goes out of the line of the predictable, is considered an unnecessary danger.

Entrepreneurial Culture: This company is meritocratic, values intelligence and creativity, and is competitive, even when friendly competition is present. Employees in this kind of culture are motivated to invent and create new ideas. Your opinions will always be listened to, however at times it might be hard to work in such an environment where ideas are constantly pumped out.

Hierarchical Culture: In this conventional and hierarchical society, people revere power and vie for it. Everybody has their own place in the company and you can climb up the ladder in your own time after you have earned it. You need to constantly prove yourself in order to be the best at what you do.

It is clear as day that every company culture can be both exciting and terrifying at first. But there are many kinds of people and one culture will fit you better than the rest. It is okay to try all of them first to figure out your fit.

Check out the article Delivering constructive feedback at work to learn how to express yourself in the workspace.

constructive feedback at work

Delivering constructive feedback at work

Delivering constructive feedback can be a challenge. If the managers are being too nice while delivering the feedback, then this can confuse the employee.

The goal is to deliver honest and encouraging criticism. It is a hard balance to achieve. Constructive feedback is a tool through which managers and their employees can engage to improve their performance. Good constructive feedback should focus on the job rather than focusing on delivering negative attacks.

If employees will be given constructive feedback at work, then they are more likely to be satisfied and productive in their jobs. Here’s how to deliver constructive feedback.

Constructive Feedback Examples

Following are some examples of delivering constructive feedback.

  • I had always been proud of your performance, and I do truly value you as a productive resource but now I have noticed some changes in your performance recently. I want to check if you are facing any challenges and how can I support you better. 
  • The client loves your design and drawings, Lily. They always wanted to see more from you and wanted you to start the meeting. I understand we are currently overloaded but try to come on time to be able to connect and collaborate with the client in their meetings.   

Constructive Feedback Surveys 

Gallup surveyed a workplace experience panel in 2018 and found the following results:

  • 15.5% of the employees are engaged after positive feedback.
  • 10.4% of the employees are engaged after negative feedback.
  • 3.6% of the employees look for other employment after receiving positive feedback.
  • 29.1% of the employees look for other employment after receiving negative feedback.
  • Only 14.5% of the managers strongly believe that they deliver constructive feedback.
constructive feedback at work

How to give constructive feedback

Following are the ways through which constructive and effective feedback can be given:

Communicate with confidence

When giving feedback either formal or informal you should always think for a second and ask yourself if you’re in the correct mindset to deliver feedback.

Diana Booher in her book “Communicate with Confidence” formulated some right and wrong reasons. For instance, ask yourself, if you are in a bad mood or want to defend your behavior. Then it will be a wrong reason to give feedback. Whereas, if you want to mentor and support your team then it is the right reason. 

Create psychological safety

Nobody likes receiving negative feedback even though it is well-intentioned. Therefore, it is highly recommended to create psychological safety before giving feedback.

Granny discussed in her Harvard Business review article that feedback should never be given until it’s invited. It means that while giving feedback one should also see if the other person is ready to receive it.

One can simply ask can I give you feedback? Furthermore, it is also recommended by Granny to state your intent for giving the feedback for example you can say I just want to make sure that I’m doing my best for you by giving you the feedback.

constructive feedback at work

Always start with wins

Feedback can be constructive if the managers start with a win. It means that he should always first praises his success and then come to areas that require improvement. Starting with criticism can be detrimental to employee and manager’s relationship.

The employee will feel demotivated and dissatisfied. This will ultimately affect his productivity. For instance, A manager should start the conversation like I appreciate the efforts you made on project Y, but I feel concerned about the specific process in project X which requires more diligence.  

In conclusion

Giving constructive feedback at work is not as easy as it sounds. Hence organizations should work on giving their managers continuous training so that they can give effective feedback to their employees.

Feedback is directly linked with productivity. If managers are not giving constructive feedback, then they would eventually see a decline in their performance. An anonymous survey should also be filled out by employees to know if they are given constructive feedback.

Here are some other articles you can read – What is a positive company culture.