Why go on a silence retreat

Silence retreat. In recent years, we have heard this term more and more often. It’s not just a trip or a holiday in a beautiful Bali villa. It is getting out of your comfort zone and working on yourself. In this article, we’ve summarised a few reasons to go on a silence retreat.

There are also people who look at retreats with scepticism. But everyone can gain something valuable from a well-organised retreat. Some even claim that it was the retreat that changed their lives forever.

Let’s see why!

Time for yourself

We have a lot of responsibilities in our daily lives – work, studies, family. Almost without noticing, we get caught in the “hamster wheel”.

However, in order not to get tired of this everyday life, it is important to make time for ourselves. Not everyone manages to do that.

A silence retreat is a good way to think only about yourself. Away from everything and everyone – precious time for yourself. During a retreat, you can devote yourself completely to improving your well-being. No need to worry about your daily responsibilities.

Being “detached” from your life makes it much easier. At home, you are constantly reminded of your undone chores and responsibilities.

Getting your mind in order

We all have an unresolved issue. Maybe it’s an important decision you can’t make. Maybe it’s a life choice that is haunted by doubt.

Meditation is practiced in many retreats. A chance to be quiet and at peace with yourself and your thoughts. It is this undivided attention and concentration that can help to finally put the mind in order and find answers to questions that have been accumulating.

More on that read in the About silence retreats category where you will find lots of helpful articles on the topic.

exercising on a retreat

Improving physical health

One of the aims of retreats is to improve well-being. Typically, retreat participants are fed healthy, balanced meals. Often these meals are plant-based. A clean and healthy diet is the cornerstone of good health. Perhaps it is the meals you enjoy at the retreat that will inspire you to continue your healthy journey at home.

Physical activity is not forgotten either. Depending on the silence retreat location, this could be a walk, exercise, swimming. Exercise, especially outdoors, improves general well-being. Stress is reduced and happiness hormones are released.

Widening your perspective

It never hurts to broaden your horizons. With a retreat, you’ll get to know new places and people from different cultures. And you’ll also gain new, irreplaceable experiences.

Retreats are also a good way to develop your spirituality – something we rarely think about in our everyday lives.

By broadening your horizons, you will gain a new perspective. Gaining a new perspective can be useful in everyday life, as well as enriching your personality. New environments, new people, new experiences – all of these can inspire positive changes in your life.

Meeting new people

Retreats are a way to meet new, like-minded people. Retreats are usually held in relatively small groups. This way you can meet and get to know people from all over the world. Who knows – maybe one of the people you meet will play an important role in your future life.

Human beings are social creatures, so expanding your circle of acquaintances or friends is never a bad idea. Even if you are silent, a connection still can be made.

nature for retreats

Being closer to nature

Many of the silence retreats are organised in beautiful, secluded places in nature. You can choose the natural scenery that speaks to you the most. Maybe it’s a cabin in the mountains or by the sea, or a house in the woods.

Sometimes it is forgotten that human is part of nature. Connecting with nature can help you to gain inner peace and energy. Fresh air has a positive effect on our health. It helps to improve sleep, concentration and creativity.

People who attend retreats may have different reasons for doing so. But the common element is to get something positive and useful out of it for themselves.

Improving mental health

Many of the retreats focus on wellbeing and mental health. Daily life is filled with many different challenges that often have a negative impact on our mental well-being. A retreat is a way to “reboot” our inner world.

Spending time in a calm, accepting and quiet environment allows us to take a moment to breathe. It is a chance to live stress-free for a while and enjoy the benefits of a peaceful everyday life. A clearer mind, improved sleep, a calmer mood. For retreats where mental health is the main theme, it is possible to work on your problems with different specialists.

So how is it in the end – are silence retreats something you are willing to try out?

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