anniversary date ideas

Anniversary date ideas

Anniversaries are special occasions that call for celebration. It’s one day a year when you can forget about all your worries and spend some quality time with your partner. It’s fun to clear out your schedule for anniversary and plan a special date. Doesn’t matter if it’s the second, 10th or 50th anniversary, there are always some cute anniversary date ideas.

If it so happens you’ve run out of ideas for dates, I’ve compiled a list of fun and cute anniversary date ideas that you can use for your anniversary. These dates may vary based on the different times of the year – some will work all year round while others call for warm weather.

Hopefully you find these anniversary date ideas useful!

At the end of the article you will also find a linked article for anniversary gift ideas.

Romantic outdoor picnic

romantic picnic

For two foodies, who always lovetreating themselves with yummy food, a picnic will be the perfect outdoor date idea. It can be very romantic if the chosen location works in your favor. I recommend thinking of a beautiful place that also isn’t too loud or full with people. Think of a beach, river or maybe a beautiful meadow near you.

Second most important, if not THE most important side of this date, is of course food. Make sure you have tasty foods and drinks that both you and your loved one will enjoy. Get some extra points for their favorite snacks and sweets for dessert. The fact that you pay attention and remember what they like the most will for sure be appreciated.

Trying out a new hobby

mini golf

If many date ideas are already tried out and you’re seriously running out of original things and activities to do, dig deeper. Maybe you can both try something new for the first time together. That way you can both be equally inexperienced in something, which could be super fun. And who knows – maybe you’ll find a new hobby and make a tradition to go do said activity every year or so.

It could be really anything that’s fun to do in a pair. Maybe golfing – I feel like mini golf is super fun, if you haven’t tried that out yet. Other ideas for you to chose from could be mountain climbing, diving, snorkeling, taking a masterclass etc.

Horseback riding

horseback riding

Speaking of hobbies, horseback riding is such a fun one that I thought it deserves its own seperate category. This activity can be done in many different occassions. It’s a fun activity to enjoy with family, with little kids and also with your other half. It can eb a very romantic experience too.

Therefore this activity is meant for any anniversary – doesn’t matter if you’re having your second anniversary or maybe 10th and have kids and family already. Horses are very peaceful animals that will surely make you feel in check with yourself, full of peace and harmony.

Camping or glamping

camping couple

Camping is a fun activity that the couple can both enjoy together. It is definitely meant for those who aren’t afraid to be out in the wilderness. It will be perfect for the kind of couple who love being outdoors, enjoy peace and calm of the nature. On the other hand, nowadays there is also glamping available for those who like being outside but still need their comfort.

According to Google, glamping is a form of camping involving accommodation and facilities more luxurious than those associated with traditional camping. I’ve added a photo of an example of what could be considered as glamping. It’s the modern way of camping and why not chose it – cute, cozy and fun!

Food or drink tasting

food or drink tasting

Thinking of cute anniversary date ideas, some sort of food or drink tasting immediately comes to mind. Just me? It’s similar to the picnic idea, only more fancy. The classic would be a wine tasting. You could both go to a wine tasting, explore some new tastes and notes of wine, while eating amazing snacks and diving into great conversation. The only important thing to consider is making sure none of you drive, and you end up home safe.

There are also fun food tasting events, only you will have to look a little harder for those. For example, I was once attending cake tasting festival. It was super fun and definitely yummy! You could walk around the different caterers and try out their cakes. It was amazing! They not only tasted great but also looked beautiful! It was the whole experience.

Theatre play


If you’d like to take upon a more classy and elegant date idea then a theatre play could be it for you. This would mean dressing up really nicely and going on a fancy date with your other half. If a little bit of culture is what you’re looking for, then you will for sure find it in theatre.

All you have to do is get the tickets way before so you can make sure of getting the best seats and play available. Make sure to check out recommendations too.

Good alternatives to this date could also be a cinema, opera or a concert. And if we’re staying with theatre, then you could also try an improv class. That could be very fun, as long as you’re both brave enough to try it out! 🙂

Explore a new city together

exploring a new city together

Another fun date activity is exploring a new city you both have never been to or haven’t been there for a very long time. Doesn’t matter where you live or where you are from. It’s fun to go to places you don’t spend your everyday life in. It’s a breath of fresh air and a possibility to experience something exciting and fun.

To make it even more fun, don’t find out anything in particular about this city. Just get out at a random bus or train stop, and go from there. See where the people are living, explore new stores and bakeries, check out the parks. It’s such a fun date idea for those who love exploring!

Go to a fun museum

go to a museum

And finally – going to a museum is so much fun. You just have to find the right one that is interesting to you both. Not everybody is into classical art paintings and that’s totally okay. Check out the museums in your area and pick the most fun one.

There are so many cool museums – porcelain museums, firetruck museums, space museums, oldschool car museums, character museums, human evolution museums and so much more.

Hope you found these ideas useful!

Since it’s also common to give a little gift to your significant other on the anniversary, find some in my other articles such as Cute 2nd anniversary gift ideas or Find gift by persons birth date.

Funny quotes about being tired

Funny quotes about being tired

This article is all about funny quotes without authors about being tired, and how these quotes can make you see the lighter side of life even when you’re feeling run down.

Everyone knows what it’s like to feel tired. Whether it’s from a long day at work, a restless night, or just life in general, fatigue can be a real downer. But sometimes, all you need to do is laugh it off and see the humor in it. 

Funny quotes about being tired

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by life or just need a little break, these quotes are sure to put a smile on your face and make you feel a little bit better about the situation.

“I’m so tired, I’m just going to sleep until I feel better.”

– Unknown

“I’m not lazy, I’m just conserving my energy.”

– Unknown

“I’m so tired, I’m thinking about taking a nap, but I’m too tired to nap.”

– Unknown

These quotes are all about the feeling of being so tired that you just can’t seem to shake it off. They highlight the irony of being so exhausted that you can’t even summon the energy to do the one thing that would make you feel better: sleep. 

Tired of work

They also highlight the humor in the situation and remind us that sometimes, we just need to let go and have a little bit of fun. Given that, take a look at 5 Stages of burnout and signs to spot them

“I’m so tired, I can’t even think straight. I’m pretty sure my boss is just going to have to give me a day off.”

– Unknown

“I’m so tired, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to fall asleep at my desk.”

– Unknown

“I’m so tired, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to have to take a permanent nap.”

– Unknown

These quotes are all about the feeling of being tired from work. Whether you’re a student or an office worker, we’ve all been there. You put in a long day, only to come home and find that you still have to do more work. It can be frustrating, but these quotes remind us that sometimes we just need to step back and take a break, even if it’s just for a little bit. 

Tired of life

These quotes are all about the feeling of being tired from life itself. Whether it’s work, school, or just the everyday stress of life, we all have moments where we feel like we just can’t take it anymore. These quotes remind us that it’s okay to step back and take a break.

“I’m so tired, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to have to take a vacation from my own life.”

– Unknown

“I’m so tired, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to have to take a nap and forget about everything else.”

– Unknown

“I’m so tired, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to have to take a sabbatical from life.”

– Unknown

They also highlight the humor in the situation and remind us that sometimes, all we need is a little bit of perspective to get through the tough times.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, these funny quotes about being tired are a great way to see the lighter side of life even when you’re feeling run down. 

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by work, school, or just life in general, these quotes remind us that sometimes, we just need to step back and take a break. They also highlight the humor in the situation and remind us that sometimes, all we need is a little bit of perspective

Lastly, don’t forget to take a look at Quotes about bad communication and Quotes about escaping.

Funny quotes about work stress

Funny quotes about work stress

Work stress is a common experience for most people in the modern world. In this article, we’ll look at some hilarious quotes about work stress and why they are so relatable. It is a condition that can negatively impact one’s mental and physical health.

With the pressure of meeting deadlines, dealing with difficult coworkers and bosses, and the fast-paced work environment, finding ways to relieve stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance is essential. 

One way of doing this is laughing and finding humor in everyday work challenges.

Dealing with difficult coworkers and bosses

“I have a job that pays me money. I work with people who drive me crazy.”

– Unknown

“I’m convinced that ‘Ctrl + Alt + Del’ should be a boss’s default command.”

– Unknown

“The boss who is never seen is always right.”

– Unknown

These quotes reflect the reality of many people being forced to work with difficult coworkers and bosses. It’s common to feel frustrated and overwhelmed by the challenges of dealing with uncooperative and unreasonable colleagues and managers. These quotes provide a sense of humor and relatability for anyone going through the same thing.

Deadlines and time management

“Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.”

– Groucho Marx

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”

– William Penn

“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime, doubly so.”

– Douglas Adams

Time management and meeting deadlines are stressful for many people, especially in a fast-paced work environment. These quotes provide a humorous outlook on time and how it can seem to fly by or feel like an eternity.

They highlight the challenge of making the most of time and meeting deadlines and the importance of prioritizing our time and finding a balance.

Office politics and competition

“Behind every successful person is a substantial amount of coffee.”

– Unknown

“I’m always looking for a job that pays me to travel the world; then I realized this is what they call ‘Going to the Office.”

– Unknown

“Office politics is just like playing chess. You must be one step ahead of your opponent.”

– Unknown

Office politics and competition can be a source of stress for many people. Finding ways to manage this stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance is essential.

These quotes provide a humorous outlook on office politics and the competition of working in an office environment. They highlight the importance of staying focused, being proactive, and always staying one step ahead.

Final thoughts

These quotes provide a humorous outlook on the everyday challenges of work and highlight the importance of finding ways to manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Whether dealing with difficult coworkers and bosses, driving time or navigating office politics, it’s important to remember to find humor in everyday challenges and maintain a positive outlook.

Hopefully you enjoyed reading these quotes. Take a look at Quotes about bad communication and Quotes about company culture.

Quotes about gut feelings

Quotes about gut feelings

We all experience gut feelings at some point in our lives. That is why in this article, we will explore three topics related to gut feelings and the quotes that reflect each one.

We all experience gut feelings at some point in our lives. Those inexplicable, nagging instincts guide us, even when we don’t know why. Some people might ignore them, while others might trust them immensely.

Regardless of how you feel about gut feelings, many quotes about this phenomenon can offer insight into what it means and how it affects us.

Quotes about trusting your gut instincts

One of the critical themes in quotes about gut feelings is trust. These quotes encourage us to place faith in our instincts and follow them, even if they lead us in a different direction than we thought we wanted.

“Your gut feelings are the voices of your subconscious mind, telling you what your conscious mind has not yet realized.”

– Steve Maraboli

“Your intuition is the inner compass that guides you to where you need to go, even if you don’t know where that is.”

– Oprah Winfrey

“The best way to predict the future is to create it. Trust your instincts.”

– Alan Cohen

These quotes all emphasize the importance of trusting your gut feelings. They suggest that our instincts can be a powerful force in our lives, leading us to new and exciting destinations that we may never have considered otherwise.

The idea here is that by trusting your gut instincts, you can unlock a new level of creativity and discovery that you might never have experienced otherwise.

Quotes about following your heart

Another theme in quotes about gut feelings is following your heart. These quotes encourage us to trust our instincts and let them guide us, even if it means going against the norm or stepping outside our comfort zone.

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

– Christian D. Larson

“The heart knows what the heart wants.”

– Nathaniel Hawthorne

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”

– Roy T. Bennett

These quotes suggest that our gut feelings can be a source of inspiration and guidance, even when the rest of the world pushes us in a different direction. Following our hearts and trusting our instincts can tap into a more profound sense of purpose and meaning that might otherwise elude us.

Quotes about the power of intuition

Finally, there are quotes about the power of intuition and how our gut feelings can be a source of wisdom and insight. These quotes remind us that our instincts can be powerful, even when we don’t understand why.

“Intuition is a spiritual faculty, and does not explain, but simply points the way.”

– Florence Scovel Shinn

“Intuition is a potent thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion.”

– Steve Jobs

“Intuition is a sense of knowing that transcends logic.”

– Preet Bharara

These quotes all emphasize the power of our gut feelings and how they can help us understand things beyond our conscious mind. They suggest that intuition can be a source of wisdom and guidance greater than anything we could learn through rational thought.

Final thoughts

By exploring quotes about gut feelings, we can better understand what this phenomenon means and how it can shape our lives in meaningful ways. So next time you feel that nagging instinct guiding you, take a moment to reflect on these quotes and trust your gut feelings because they might lead you to where you need to go.

Take a look at Quotes about escaping and Quotes about letting your light shine.

leopard print

Leopard print is coming back in style

Animal prints have been a thing for a while now, however society’s opinion varies on all sides. Personally speaking, I wasn’t always so fond of animal print on my clothing and other everyday things. That being said, I love it now, in fact leopard print is my absolute favorite. Just like everything else in fashion, animal print has also circled back in style.

Trust me, there are ways to include leopard print in your lifestyle and do it in a cool way. In this article I am determined to show you that animal print everyday objects and clothing can be very fun to have. 

Here are my TOP 10 leopard print objects I love!

1. Fun pajamas

Pajamas is the first example where I am willing to mention the fun leopard print. First of all, this is the safest way for you to really check if you love the print or not. Because nobody else will see you – you’re sleeping in pajamas, duuh! 

I have some very soft and cozy pajamas with a low key leopard print. And I must say they are my favorite piece of clothing. In fact, that is where your obsession with the amazing leopard print might start too. You’ve been warned.

2. A leopard mug

Keeping it on the same subject of sleeping, in the mornings I can not imagine not having a cup of coffee. In fact, more than just one. So it’s good to have your favorite mug. I have written all about it in my article Cool mugs to use everyday. Check it out!

Why not have a leopard or cheetah print mug? Or maybe your favorite is another kind of animal print, leopard just so happens to be the one I like the most. Maybe yours will be snakeskin print or maybe zebra. Love seeing those! It is just such a fun way to brighten up your morning before heading outside.

3. Leopard print swimsuit

This next object you will be getting a link for because I own this beautiful piece and I want to share where I got it from. This fun leopard print swimsuit is my go to vacation outfit when I am by the sea or the ocean.

You might argue that the best part about this set are the high waisted bottoms. Usually I would agree however I must admit that the leopard print looks stunning. Especially when you have got a beautiful tan from lying around the beach. This print really brings out your tan and makes you look amazing.

Leopard print swimsuit

4. A leopard print scrunchie

Another one of my favorite ways to include leopard print into my lifestyle is through makeup products and such. An example I want to give you is totally small and very doable – a scrunchie. Similar to leopard print, they have come right back into style again after being very popular back in the 90s. 

I have dark brown hair and some fun leopard scrunchies really make my ponytails look fun. If you have lighter hair, then you might want to get a lighter version of a leopard or cheetah print. Similar to what I will show you with my leopard blanket in the following few items in this article.

5. Animal printed sunglasses

Sunglasses are an amazing summer accessory. If you are lucky enough to live in a warm climate all year round, then you might be using sunglasses a lot more than me. That is an especially amazing reason to spice it up and bring some more fun into it.

Leopard or, again – any type of animal print works, sunglasses are so fun. You can get the most basic sunnies out there but imagine if they have leopard printed temples. Such a fun little way of making your whole outfit pop. 

6. Leopard everyday wallet

A wallet is another piece of accessory you could make more fun. Since we use our wallets every day or almost every day, you might as well get one that you truly love. I have a few wallets since you never know what outfit you will be wearing. Sometimes my wallet is the only thing I take with me so it better be matching.

And if you are anything like me, I do enjoy some basic and simple outfit choices. That is why I love choosing fun accessories to make my outfit stand out. A leopard everyday wallet is one of those ways.

7. Fun leopard socks

Socks are another example of how to make your life fun. Now is not the time we hide our socks in the shoes or make sure our pants cover them just enough. Socks are a full on outfit choice and a great accessory nowadays. That is why I always choose colorful and bright socks.

You might know that one of my favorite websites to shop socks from is Zee Socks. To my liking, they also have some cool Leopard spot socks. Very bright and unordinary – just the way I like it.

More on their socks, check out my article Why wearing colorful socks is a trend you should follow.

8. Soft leopard blanket

Here is the promised lighter version of the leopard printed objects. This amazing leopard blanket is one of my home staples that I use almost every night watching movies on the couch. It is not only cool looking but also amazingly soft. That I can guarantee since I have another object linked for you here.

If there is anything I think you cannot possibly have too many off, that’s these kinds of soft blankets. Trust me, your guests will love it too, when they are staying over or just cuddling you while watching  a movie together. 

Leopard print blanket

9. Leopard print pens

There is nothing I love more than stationary. Even though school is long gone and finished for me, I still enjoy buying some fun work pens and pencils, sticky notes and notebooks. All the good stuff. And you better believe I chose some fun ones.

Leopard printed pens are amazing. Yet again, if you often choose very basic and neutral things to surround yourself with, bring in some pop of color. Cheetah and leopard print is a fun way to brighten your office or room up. Even if it’s just with the help of a few pens. 

10. Leopard print wallpaper

A grand finale indeed. If you dare, I challenge you to paint your wall in cheetah or leopard print, or choose a fun wallpaper for it. While you think I might be joking, let me convince you why I am not.

The main purpose is to not overdo it. You can have some fun wallpaper accents in your room in leopard print. There are ways to make it not look tacky and crazy. Maybe don’t paint your whole bedroom in leopard printed designs. Other than that, it sounds like a fun room makeover idea.

Have I convinced you just a little bit? Are you going to try out some more fun and daring prints in your life?

Let me know!

socks are a fun gift

Why socks are a fun gift

When we were little, we were all pretty disappointed when we saw socks as a gift. However the older we get, the more we all start to appreciate such interesting and practical gifts as socks. Therefore I have made an article for you on why socks are a fun gift for your friends.

Now we all are very happy when we see that someone gave us socks. We know that it is a very practical and useful gift. Here are the rest of the reasons why socks make the best gift.

Socks make you appreciate the little things in life 

fun socks gift

There are so many things that we don’t appreciate, don’t recognize or see. Sometimes in all the everyday rush, we forget that we need to take care of our friends, check-in with them, and appreciated them. The best way to do it is to give them some kind of gift that would show how much we care about them.

Even though socks are a small gift, it is thoughtful and can be a very nice gesture to someone. Socks are there to make us warm and cosy, so this small item will make someone feel special and taken care of. It’s a heartfelt feeling that you know that someone cares about your well-being.

Possibly a DIY gift

socks gift

We all can agree that handmade gifts are the best. The fact that the person was thinking about you while making it and put their time and effort so that something would bring you joy and happiness. There are many gifts that you can make for someone. Some are harder to make and some are very easy. Socks are actually very easy to make, and the best part is that you can make them as you want.

Use the colours that you want, make your own design, and the size or length of the sock that you want. And the fact that you made the gift yourself and put in the effort, will make everything more special and it will also be more unique.

You can never have too many socks

never too many socks

There is one thing that we can be sure about, we can’t have too many socks. Since we use socks every day at work, home or while going out for adventures, there are different kinds of socks needed. For example, we could all use some cosy and warm socks for those cold winter nights.

And since we all wear socks so often, they tend to get worn out very fast or even rip apart. This is one of the reasons why socks are the best gift. You can save time for your friend and get them new socks because most probably they really need them. This will be a very practical gift and you can’t really do anything wrong with this gift. We all wear socks almost daily, so this gift will be 100% used and won’t just sit in the closet.  

Socks can be an eco-friendly gift

socs zee socks

Nowadays many people are thinking more about the environment and about nature, what we use on a daily basis and what is more eco-friendly and what is less. Since socks are handmade, they are pretty much eco-friendly. When they rip apart, you can either fix them or make something out of them.

Most importantly, they are handmade and you don’t need a huge factory that pollutes the environment just to make a single sock. You can also look for some eco-friendly sock business, that specialises in that, and you can help to save the environment.

Socks can bring out some laughter

zee socks gift

The best relationship that we have are with those people that we have inside jokes together and can have a laugh with within any life scenario. Socks are a great gift to them because nowadays they are so colourful, and they have so many interesting and funny designs.

you can try to find the funniest and most creative socks that you can find and make the person laugh. The best part of this is that it will brighten up their day, every single time they see these socks.

These are only some of the reasons why socks are a fun gift. I am sure that you could find many more, for example in the article 5 Reasons Socks Are the Best Gift. It’s a Zee socks brand that creates very fun socks, as seen in the photo above. Check them out for sure!

Let me know what you think!

Meanwhile check out my other articles, such as Why wearing colourful socks is a trend you should follow.

Quotes about gut feelings

In this article, we will be exploring three different topics related to gut feelings and the quotes that reflect each one.

Gut feelings are something that we all experience at some point in our lives. They are those inexplicable, nagging instincts that guide us, even when we don’t know why. Some people might ignore them, while others might place great trust in them. Regardless of how you feel about gut feelings, there are many quotes about this phenomenon that can offer some insight into what it means and how it affects us.

Quotes about Trusting Your Gut Instincts

One of the key themes in quotes about gut feelings is trust. These quotes encourage us to place faith in our instincts and to follow them, even if they lead us in a different direction than we thought we wanted to go.

“Your gut feelings are the voices of your subconscious mind, telling you what your conscious mind has not yet realized.” – Steve Maraboli

“Your intuition is your inner compass that guides you to where you need to go, even if you don’t know where that is.”

– Oprah Winfrey

“The best way to predict the future is to create it. Trust your instincts.”

– Alan Cohen

These quotes all emphasize the importance of trusting your gut feelings. They suggest that our instincts can be a powerful force in our lives, leading us to new and exciting destinations that we may never have considered otherwise. The idea here is that by trusting your gut instincts, you can unlock a new level of creativity and discovery that you might never have experienced otherwise.

Quotes about Following Your Heart

Another theme in quotes about gut feelings is the idea of following your heart. These quotes encourage us to trust our instincts and to let them guide us, even if it means going against the norm or stepping outside of our comfort zone.

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

– Christian D. Larson

“The heart knows what the heart wants.”

– Nathaniel Hawthorne

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”

– Roy T. Bennett

These quotes suggest that our gut feelings can be a source of inspiration and guidance, even when the rest of the world seems to be pushing us in a different direction. By following our hearts and trusting our instincts, we can tap into a deeper sense of purpose and meaning that might otherwise elude us.

Quotes about the Power of Intuition

Finally, there are quotes about the power of intuition, and how our gut feelings can be a source of wisdom and insight. These quotes remind us that our instincts can be a powerful force, even when we don’t understand why.

“Intuition is a spiritual faculty, and does not explain, but simply points the way.”

– Florence Scovel Shinn

“Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion.”

– Steve Jobs

“Intuition is a sense of knowing that transcends logic.”

– Preet Bharara

These quotes all emphasize the power of our gut feelings and the way that they can help us to understand things that are beyond our conscious mind. They suggest that intuition can be a source of wisdom and guidance that is greater than anything that we could learn through rational thought.

Final Thoughts

Gut feelings are an essential part of who we are and what we experience as human beings. They are a powerful source of inspiration and guidance, even when we don’t understand why. Whether you trust your instincts implicitly or approach them with caution, there is no denying the impact that they can have on our lives. 

By exploring quotes about gut feelings, we can gain a deeper understanding of what this phenomenon means and how it can shape our lives in meaningful ways. So next time you feel that nagging instinct guiding you, take a moment to reflect on these quotes and trust in your gut feelings, because they might just lead you to where you need to go.

Quotes about reputation

Quotes about reputation

Let’s take a look at quotes about reputation that give us insights into the importance of maintaining a good image and how it can shape our lives.

Reputation is one of the most valuable assets a person can have. It is the reflection of the actions, beliefs, and character of an individual. A good reputation can open doors and create opportunities, while a bad one can shut them down. 

Quotes about the power of reputation

One of the most critical aspects of reputation is its power. A good reputation can bring many benefits, and a bad one can cause damage. Here are three quotes that highlight the power of reputation. Given that take a look at Quotes about communication in workplace.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”

– Warren Buffett

This quote highlights the importance of being mindful of our actions. Building a positive reputation takes time and effort, but it can be destroyed quickly by a single misstep. It’s a reminder to always think before we act and consider the impact it might have on our image.

“A man’s reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is.”

– Unknown

This quote emphasizes the difference between reputation and character. Our reputation is the perception others have of us, while our character is who we truly are.

This distinction is critical to keep in mind, as we must strive to align our reputation with our character, or else it will eventually catch up with us.

“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”

– Proverbs 22:1

This quote from the Bible speaks to the timeless importance of reputation. A good name can bring a person happiness and fulfillment, while wealth and riches can often bring stress and heartache. It is a reminder that a good reputation is worth striving for, as it is more valuable than anything money can buy.

Importance of Honesty

Honesty is a crucial aspect of reputation. People trust those who are honest and transparent, while dishonesty can quickly erode trust. Here are three quotes that highlight the importance of honesty in maintaining a good reputation.

“The truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off.”

– Unknown

This quote highlights the power of truth. The truth may not always be easy to hear or accept, but in the long run, it will bring freedom and a sense of peace. Honesty is the cornerstone of a good reputation, and it is important to strive for it, even if it is uncomfortable.

“The best way to keep your word is not to give it.”

– Napoleon Bonaparte

This quote emphasizes the importance of keeping our promises. When we make a promise, we are putting our reputation on the line. Keeping our word shows that we are trustworthy and dependable, and it reinforces our reputation.

“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.”

– Spencer Johnson

This quote highlights the connection between integrity and honesty. Integrity is about being true to ourselves, while honesty is about being truthful with others. Both are crucial to maintaining a good reputation and earning the trust of others.

Consequences of a Bad Reputation

Finally, it’s essential to recognize the consequences of a bad reputation. A negative image can cause harm and create obstacles, while a positive one can bring benefits and open doors. Here are three quotes that highlight the consequences of a bad reputation.

“A man’s reputation is the shadow. Be sure, when you cast a shadow on others, that you cast it on yourself.”

– Benjamin Franklin

This quote highlights the interconnectivity of our actions and reputation. When we cast a negative shadow on others, we also cast it on ourselves. It’s a reminder to treat others with kindness and respect, as our actions can have a lasting impact on our reputation.

“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

– Oscar Wilde

This quote highlights the double-edged sword of reputation. While being talked about can bring negative consequences, not being talked about can also be damaging. It’s a reminder to strive for a positive reputation, as being known for the right reasons is always better than not being known at all.

“It is not what they take away from you that counts. It’s what you do with what you have left.”

– Hubert H. Humphrey

This quote speaks to the resilience that comes with a good reputation. Even if we lose something, our positive image will still remain. It’s a reminder to focus on what we have left and make the most of it, regardless of the challenges we may face.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, quotes about reputation give us a deeper understanding of the importance of maintaining a good image. They highlight the power of reputation, the importance of honesty, and the consequences of a bad reputation.

By keeping these quotes in mind, we can strive to build and maintain a positive reputation, which can bring us many benefits and opportunities.

Take a look at other related articles about Quotes about escaping and Quotes about bad communication.

Vegan gift ideas

Vegan gift ideas

It’s always really hard to figure out what to give to your friend on their birthday. You always want to surprise them and so they would love the gift. Sometimes it’s harder if your friend has a special tase or habits that they prefer. It’s even harder if you don’t really know a lot about their habits, for example, veganism – then finding vegan gift ideas can be hard at first.

Most people who aren’t vegans think that they are just people who don’t eat meat. But in most cases, they also try to be eco-friendly and so on.

So I will help you out with this one. Here are some great and very special vegan gift ideas for your vegan friend, that they will absolutely love and enjoy.

Eco-friendly shop gift card

vegan gift ideas shops

Most of my vegan friends like to try very natural and organic products that they can use daily. Either they like to use reusable packaging, bags, or some other products that don’t make a lot of waste and garbage. So easy to say is that if the packaging is reusable or eco-friendly, they would be the first ones who would get their hands on it. There are many small and big businesses that usually work with this type of product and make reusable eco-friendly products.

It’s something like zero waste, but not the same. They make our regular products, just put them in packaging that can be used more than once. Either it’s a shampoo bottle that you can refill every single time that you run out of it or just a shopping bag.

A great gift Idea for your vegan friend would be either a gift card from this type of business or some product. You can get reusable bags that are so beautiful and specially made for any fashion style. Or a shampoo with a conditioner that comes in eco-friendly packaging. You can also get them some other decor for their apartment. Sure, they would be very happy to receive this type of gift that would also help the environment.

Vegan books for beginners or long-time vegans

vegan gift ideas books

If your friend just started the vegan journey, he or she probably has many questions about this, and they want to find out the maximum amount of information about all of this. What you eat, maybe some good recipes or some pieces of advice. And basically, information about vegans and some helpful tips. Of course, you can find that information on the internet, but it will take hours. The best place to find this is a book that is written by a specialist. Am I right?

Your choice of a book that you could give them depends on how long your friend is a vegan. If they are just starting their journey, you are very lucky because here you just can’t go wrong. You can give them a book about going vegan, what it’s like to start this journey, and so on. For someone who has been a vegan for quite some time, maybe the best choice would be a cookbook, that would give them interesting recipes. This would also be an amazing gift for someone who is just starting to be a vegan.

Reusable water bottle

reusable water bottle vegan gift

This gift idea is suitable for almost anyone. It’s so comfortable and practical, that literally, anyone would appreciate this gift. There are so many water bottles that are sold in supermarkets, and they make a lot of waste and pollution. Not all of them are reusable or are being recycled. There are many containers in schools and shops, to motivate people to recycle them, but not always people do that.

Since this is really a huge problem nowadays many businesses are starting to think of a solution. One of them is a reusable water bottle. Now they really are so beautiful and colourful, you can find the best one that your friend would love the most. A vegan, who is thinking about nature and animals, will really appreciate something like this. They would be happy that they won’t have to use these shop water bottles, they will just have to wash and refill the same bottle multiple times. Pluss is very practical.

DIY candle 

Did you know that the best gifts and the most appreciated gifts are those that are made by yourself? If you put extra time and effort into making a gift for your friend, it would make it so much better and so special. You can make literally anything if you are dedicated enough, it doesn’t have to be big, it just must come from a heart.

After a long day, the best and most relaxing thing for some people is lighting up a candle while you are reading a book or doing some other house tours. So here are some ideas of how to create your own candle. You can put those aromas that your friend loves the most, and it will make it so special. You can add some flowers or any other decorations. Anything that your heart wants. You can make it very personal so that your friend would appreciate it even more.

Healthy tea

herb tea vegan

Not all of us are coffee lovers, some of us prefer tea. And tea actually is so much healthier than coffee. Nothing can be better than a nice cup of a fresh and tasty hot cup of tea. This is a great way to start a day or before bed, to sleep better. Or just to take a couple of minutes off a busy workday, just relax and drink your nice cup of tea. It sounds just amazing.

An amazing gift for your friend who enjoys these types of moments and of course loves tea, would be a tasty tea. It also can be a tea that you can buy in a supermarket, in beautiful packaging. It can also be a tea mixture which you can buy in a small local market. Or even you can gather the flowers and herbs yourself and make a tasty and healthy tea yourself. But before doing that yourself, better do your research and find out which herbs are the best for teas.

Vegan SPA products

vegan spa products

Also, a great idea for a gift to spoil your friends would be a relaxing SPA product for a bath. An incredible way to relax after a long day or week is to take a hot bath and just have time to yourself. Maybe take a glass of wine or tea, grab a favourite book and just sit there and forget every little stress you have in your life. Literally, everyone would love to do that.

If your friend owns a bath, then you can spoil them a little. There are many small businesses like Farmaesthetics or Stenedrs, that use eco-friendly products and vegan products for their bath and body products. You can get them bath balls, some great and healthy salts, bath foam, some scrubs and so much more. They can have their own small spa treatment at home.

A bike

vegan gifts

It’s very healthy and important to stay physically active and in really good shape. We all must take care of ourselves and of course our friends. Some go to the gym, some work out at home, or just go for a morning run. Also, a really great idea is to ride a bike either you ride it to work, or just on the weekend to go someplace not far. It’s very practical and it’s faster than walking.

A great gift for a vegan friend would be a bike. He or she would be able to take care of health by staying active and even help the environment by not using a car. They would have a great way to ger to work or go out on weekends on bike rides. They would do some exercise and be in the fresh air. Your friend will be happy and grateful for this gift. And even you all would be able to go on a great friend’s trip with bikes if you all have them.

Usually, to stay vegan and strictly follow all the rules and guidelines, is really hard and you have to be really dedicated to doing that. So, I am very happy that you have such a strong and dedicated friend by your side. Hope this article was very helpful for you and you found many interesting and useful gift ideas.

Check out more gift ideas in the article Creative bday gift ideas.

aladdin travel mug

Everyday coffee travel mug – Aladdin Java Thermavac

A ood travel mug can be your day saver. Having your favorite beverage on the way to work or school is a very nice way to start your day. But it can all be ruined if you have a travel mug that isn’t the best for your routine or is bad quality. 

For some time I have been using Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock travel mug. It has made my mornings much nicer. So I wanted to share my experience and reasons why I bring my Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock mug everywhere.

More about the travel mug

Aladdin is a brand that values sustainability, quality and innovation. They have a wide range of products such as water bottles, travel mugs, vacuum bottles and more. And their products have nice designs for every occasion and every need. 

Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock travel mugs are made from high quality stainless steel. It has a plastic flip lid which is BPA free. The lid also has a locking slider, so it’s leakproof.

These travel mugs have double wall and vacuum insulation, which means that they can hold the beverage temperature for a longer time. 

Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock travel mugs have handy and beautiful designs, colorful and simpler styles. 

Best features 

Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock travel mugs have many features that I appreciate very much. I have highlighted some of the reasons why I choose to use an Aladdin coffee mug every day. 


One of the biggest pros in Aladdin travel mag is lid locking slider. It can be very useful if you carry your coffee mug in a bag. Sometimes when putting something in a bag or moving it, you can open a travel mug lid by accident. With Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock travel mug accidents like these don’t happen if you lock the lid.

aladdin thermavac travel mug

Holds the temperature

Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock travel mug can hold your morning coffee or tea for up to 4 hours. And usually we’re all done with our drinks at that time. For me, the last sips of the coffee was a bit cold, but before that it holded my coffee warm till I was ready to drink it. 

But this mug, like any other thermo travel mugs, is also good and useful for cold drinks. In summer when we want a cold coffee or just water, we can also use thermo travel mugs. And Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock travel mug can hold cold beverages for 6 hours.

Different sizes

From Aladdin travel mugs you can choose any size you want. They have very small ones (250 ml) and also bigger ones that are 720 ml and more. So if you like a small cup of coffee in the morning, you can have a little, handy mug that you can put in every pocket. 

I use an Aladdin travel mug which is 470 ml. It’s medium size and fits well in my bags. And also I can have a bigger cup of coffee or tea in the morning. 


Besides the large size range Aladdin offers, they also have different kinds of designs and colors for travel mugs. If you want to stand out and have a colorful mug, the Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock has bright yellow, blue, red, navy and also more simpler colors like white and black. And different models also have different styles, colors and materials. So it all depends on what your taste is.

I like this design, because it’s easy to hold the travel mug in and the outside material is nice. It doesn’t scratch easily or have any bumps.


As all the others travel mugs, Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock travel mug is sustainable. Using reusable coffee mugs can make a big difference. It’s better for the environment, because you can use one coffee mug, not only for the day, but for many years, instead of using disposable coffee mugs in cafes or from stores. 

It’s also cheaper, because you can make your own coffee at home. And if you want a coffee to go from a cafe, you can always use your own coffee mug, in that way you will save the environment and your coffee will be warm for a longer time. 

Aladdin Java Thermavac Leak-Lock travel mug is a useful and great thing to have every morning and day. You can have your favorite beverage with you whenever you want. 

Using a good quality and suitable travel mug won’t cause any inconvenience, but on the contrary, it can help to cope with the early mornings.

cool mugs

Cool mugs to use everyday

There is joy in the little everyday things all around us. Mugs are the example I want to talk about today. If you are a huge coffee or tea lover, as am I, then you know that having a really cool mug is very special. You use it every day of your life, in fact multiple times per day. So cool mugs are more than just for your drinks – they’re made for your mood and beautiful home, too.

When it comes to choosing cool mugs for my everyday life, I pay attentio to what kind of mug I bring into my home. I want them to be fun and make my day better right from the start – my morning cup of hot coffee.

So if you’re looking for fun and cool mugs to add to your collection, in this article I found some cool options from Amazon. Check them out!

Octopus coffee mug with a coaster

octopus coffee mug

Why not start off strong – with this super fun octopus mug? It’s very cool, and if you’re looking for some cool mugs, then this is your best find for sure. It’s fun to remember about forgotten animas and cretures of the world and especially the deep blue ocean.

This will be an especially good mug to give somebody as a gift for birthdays or other celebrations. It is such a unique mug that I am certain your friends and loved ones do not already own a mug like this one. However maybe somebody is a huge fan of octopuses, then this gift makes even more sense. I love it!

Coffee mugs for true Star Wars fans

star wars mugs

These amazingly cool mugs representing Star Wars are made from ceramic. The designer that sells them has many more designs to choose from. If you love Star Wars or maybe even some other legendary movies and series, such as Marvel, you might find something truly unique in this bunch.

These Star Wars mugs are not only fun to have but they also look sleek and elegant. They will surely look great in your home also when not being used. I would almost love to get a few just to put out as a decor or maybe even a pot for my plants!

Cool cat ceramic mug

If you’re looking for a more simple mug but one that also has some sort of a twist, then I found this one for you. It’s a cute cat coffee or tea mug when you first look at it. However when you start drinking your drink, you will at one moment spot a little kitten figurine at the bottom of your mug.

This cat mug is very cute and will brighten up the day of any cat lover out there, who will get to have a drink from this wonderful mug. It will be super fun to hand your guests a arm drink and not tell them right away that there is a surprise awaiting them at the bottom of the mug.

Ceramic donut mug

Donuts are one of my favorite types of baked goods therefore no wonder I gravitated towards this amazing mug. It is made into a shape of a donut. The one you’re seeing in the photo – that is the back of the mug since I decided to leave the front as a surprise so you can check it out yourself. It has sprinkles on it!

This donut mug is an amazing gift to give somebody who loves donuts, of course. I can only imagine seeing somebody drinking their coffee from a donut mug while also munching on a tasty donut. What a fun life! You can pick the donut mug with either strawberry or chocolate glaze.

Starlight coffee mug in green

starlight coffee mug

While looking for cool mugs, I came acoss this green starlight mug. It comes in a truly unique shape which is what I liked the most. It would be the perfect gift for somebody who loves stargazing. This mug comes in a gift bag therefore it is already calling to be a perfect gift for somebody special to you.

I notice it also has a cover on it. It will be amazing to make your drink, tea or coffee, last hot even longer. Besides it’s espcially great if you love making your tea from natural herbs. Then the lid will make sure your tea is truly soaking up all the flavor and aroma from the herbs.

Coffee mug set with insulated lid

coffee mugs cool set

And finally I chose some less crazy mugs for those who love simple yet aesthetic and beautiful pieces for their everydya life. This coffee mug set is an amazing gift for a couple or your parents. For somebody who love drinking their hot cup of coffee or tea always together.

What’s special about these mugs is not only their looks but also their efficiency. Each of these mugs have an amazing lid that lets your drink stay hot for a long time. That means no more hurrying up to finoiish your coffee while it is still hot. These cool mugs are also made with a cork bottom, therefore no more burning your hands while holding your mug.

I hope you liked these cool mugs I found! Let me know if you find something I should add to the list!

Meanwhile check out my other gift ideas for yourself or loved ones – Why wearing colourful socks is a trend you should follow and Electric scooter – a gift for spending time outdoors.

Why wearing colourful socks is a trend you should follow?

So recently I got together with my friends from ZEESOCKS.COM to get first hand information about the current trends in the world of wearing and shopping for colourful socks. 

I’ve always liked wearing fun socks because I consider it to be an actual part of the outfit and style. So I was curious to ask a few questions. So here is what the sock experts at ZEESOCKS.COM think!

So what’s trending in funny and colourful socks world? 

We are seeing a steadily growing customer interest for various kind of funny, geeky, individual and colourful socks. Now currently the biggest trends are still fruits, sweets, food and we are seeing a big growth of interest for animal themed socks too!

Actually, one of our most popular product is a bundle that we call “I can’t decide socks set”, that has a little bit of different patterns, so customer can always choose something to wear and match a piece of clothing he or she already has.

zee socks

How is e-commerce trend changing in relation to stores selling colourful socks? 

Actually, it has changed quite a bit lately. People are starting to look for a cool shopping experience and great loyalty progams rather than just cool pair of socks. And we truly want to give it all in a single package.

We are a store that is more youth oriented, so we deliver them extremely fun and engaging experience that includes sci-fi lore, cartoons, space blogs and even a retro styled game!

Besides that, we have a loyalty programme where each customer can complete tasks (such as playing game, shopping, sharing about us in social networks, reviewing products etc.) to unlock achievements to rank up and get higher discount levels. All that can be easily accessed within customer’s account dashboard.

We call this a gamified shopping experience and we are really proud of what we pulled off here.

So your shop is only a good fit for youth audience that you target?

Not only. One of our most popular products is actually our ZEESOCKS gift card. Mostly buyers of those gift cards for colourful socks  are parents, friends, brothers or sisters of people who are our target audience.

Basically, that is a perfect gift for someone that is a young person, enjoying funny socks, games and fun sci-fi experience and as far as we understand – that defines the perfect gift.

zee socks

What does it take to make a colourful socks store that is so tuned for a specific audience? 

First of all, you need to precisely define, who is going to be your target customer, what that customer likes and does in his free time. Secondly, you need to put together a story to build the right shopping experience. To make a story wholesome, it may not be enough with a finely crafted “About us” section on your site. It has to reach every corner of the store – overall design, artwork, product descriptions, blogs, newsletters etc.

For example, why not trying to form a interest club that your customer join, interact, share experiences ? There is also a few good tips on about this. And if you enjoyed web design, check out this collection of retro inspired designs on too!

Yes, for some others that might look unappealing, cringe and even boring. However there will always be those, who will really appreciate what you deliver. And if that group is big enough niche to target, then you might be set for success!

Thank you to ZEESOCKS.COM for this interview.

To check out more of my articles, click on the following links – DIY – create your own candle and Creative bday gift ideas.

gifts for mom

Best gift ideas for mom

I love my mom dearly and when her birthday or the holiday season comes around, I want to make sure I findbest gift ideas for mom. If it only were so easy. 

She’s quite picky so I almost always struggle to find the best gift ideas. It took me a while to realise, but the best gifts are those that come from the heart. Birthday or Christmas gifts don’t necessarily have to be huge and expensive. Sometimes the best gifts are the cute, useful and cozy every-day things.

In this article I’ve compiled a few gift ideas that my mom loved! Maybe you will get some inspiration on the next gift to get your mom, too!

Christmas and birthday gifts for mom

mom at christmas

Mothers are one of the most important people in our lives. They’ve raised us with love and have always given us the best they could have. Now that we’ve grown up, it’s our turn to treat them with love and kindness.

When it comes to gifts, I’ve noticed that the best gifts for my mom almost always are something practical. Something she can use in her daily life around the house, at work or on some outdoors adventures.

You need to think about something that will bring her joy. Maybe it’s a family trip so you can all spend quality time together. Maybe it’s a home baked pie, because mom will definitely appreciate your effort into making a gift rather than buying it. 

Fun and practical gift ideas for mom

Here I’ve put together all the fun gifts I’ve given my mom over the last few years. I hope you’ll find these gift ideas useful!

A cool new recipe book

recipe book

If your mom likes to cook, one of the good gift ideas for mom is to expand her knowledge and skills. A cool recipe book is a great gift idea – especially if she likes experimenting in the kitchen with different ingredients and spices. 

Make this gift even more fun and challenging by choosing a variety of recipes from a different culture. For example, if your mom loves Japanese or Chinese cuisine, try surprising her with something totally different. Get her a recipe book with Italian or Mexican cuisine. She will love trying out new foods!

Matching sweaters or pajamas

pajamas gift for mom

In my experience the best gifts are the comfortable ones. It’s usually pretty hard to buy clothing for somebody else, because you don’t really know their style preferences. Nowadays there is so much to choose from that it’s hard to make that decision for someone else even if you think you know them super well.

Therefore I go for clothing that can easily be oversized, like big sweaters and pajamas. The goal of this gift is to get matching sets, so that’s a both practical and heart warming gift.

Useful kitchen gadgets

blender gift for mom

If your mom likes to cook a lot, then she could probably use some new kitchen gadgets. Since they are evolving with every day, there has to be something that your mom still doesn’t have but would love to own!

Maybe it’s a new blender, measuring spoons, a cool bottle opener, new toaster, ice cream maker or anything else. Whatever your mom would love and use regularly!

Custom family portrait

family portrait

Moms is the one person you can always get a cute gift to. Sometimes the best gift for mom is all the family being together and having a good time. The next best thing to that is a custom made family portrait!

You can find an artist that does drawings, painting or even digital art. It will be a sweet and definitely original gift!

Scented candles

scented candle for your mom

One thing that can make a room feel cozy in no time are scented candles. They’re the ultimate gift, especially for Christmas.

That’s the season with all the cozy scents – vanilla, gingerbread cookies, cinnamon, tangerine and many other scents. It can also be a great gift to put with something bigger – make a whole gift box of cute and useful appliances.

A reusable water bottle

reusable water bottle

Another great gift idea for your mother is a reusable water bottle, especially if she doesn’t have one yet. Getting your own water bottle is not only trendy but very useful these days. It makes you a considerate person who chooses to use a recycled product instead of buying water in plastic bottles.

From a gift perspective, this one really shows how much you care about your mom. Not everybody is good with drinking enough water daily. If your mom is one of those people who struggle to drink enough water, a reusable bottle will surely help. It will serve as a reminder. Especially if you get her a bottle that has motivational markers, so your mom can see how much water she has consumed and how much is still left!

You can add some tips on how to drink more water to make this gift even more special. Get some ideas from our other article called Tips to remind myself to drink water.

A SPA day

spa day

This is one of those gift ideas for mom that will be greatly appreciated. It is always so pleasant to receive a gift that will let you relax from your daily errands and just be in the moment. A SPA day could be an amazing gift idea. All you have to do is find your mom’s favorite SPA place and get her a gift card. Maybe even make a date out of it – let her go together with dad.

If your mom is often busy and scheduling a SPA day just doesn’t feel possible, then who said you can’t make your own SPA day? Get her some bath bombs, lotions and other beauty products. Wrap it all up nicely and gift it all to your mom with one condition – she has to enjoy it all as soon as possible.

Happy gift hunting!

If you’re still not set on the right gift choice, get some inspiration in our article Find gift by persons birth date. It’s a fun way to find unpredictable and unique gift ideas!

educational wall decals

Educational wall decals

Educational wall decals are a type of vinyl sticker decorations that can be attached to a wall. If applied thoughtfully, they can really make your living space pop! They are also easy to maintain, remove and reuse, so you don’t have to worry about damaged walls.

There are different types of wall decals you can choose from. Some are purely decorative, some might contain a quote you like, and others can be used for educational purposes.

In this article I am taking a look at educational wall decors. These are perfect for very young children who are starting to learn more about the world. You know how it is with practicing – you have keep doing something consistently to become really good at it. It is the same with seeing the same piece of information every day – it will help to cement this information into your memory. And children will quite easily learn from images that are visually attractive to them.

Types of educational wall decals

educational wall decals offers a range of different educational wall decals for you to choose from. With affordable prices, they can teach your child numbers, letters, animal world map and more. These images are designed to help learning through association. Each number, letter or place on the map is represented by a cute illustration.

Learn numbers

Help your child learn numbers through cute illustrations. These come as a collection from numbers 1 to 9. Children can learn which number comes after the other and have a fun way of keeping track of their birthdays!

Learn letters

Teach your child the English alphabet with these wall decals. Each letter is represented by a cute animal that’s name starts with the letter it represents. This way, children can easily learn to associate a letter with its sound.

Learn world map

If you would like your child to learn more about the different parts of the world, you can start with this cute animal world map. The children can learn the names of different animals around the world. See what types of animals live in your area, and how different the animals are in other places. Eventually, your child will memorize not only the animals but will also get an idea of the world map itself.

Therefore you can make the perfect choice for your child by taking into consideration their age and personal interests.

To learn more, take a look at Educational wall decals from Stickerinos to choose the perfect wall decoration for your kids!

While we are still on the subjects of kids, I have more tips that you could fin useful in articles like How to make your water taste better. But for wall decorations it would be useful to also read the article on Flower wall decals by

vegan pasta recipes

Vegan pasta recipes

The vegan diet rejects all kinds of animal products like meat, fish, dairy and eggs. Instead, they choose to eat only plant-based meals. If you have ever wondered “What do vegans even eat?”, then take a look at some of these simple and delicious vegan pasta recipes!

Veganism is steadily gaining more and more popularity with each year. People choose to adopt the vegan lifestyle for different reasons. The main reason why people go vegan is for animal rights. Other reasons include environmental benefits and improving health problems.

One-Pot pasta in tomato sauce

tomato pasta vegan

This one-pot pasta is a crowd pleaser. It is cheap and easy to make. And most of its ingredients consist of spices most people would already have at home. This recipe will feed 3 people or 2 very hungry people.

For the ingredients you will need

  • 340g dry pasta (best choice would be spaghetti, linguine or rotini)
  • 800g canned tomatoes
  • 750-800ml water
  • 3 pieces of garlic, chopped
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 250g white button mushrooms, chopped
  • 25 black olives (can skip this if you hate olives)
  • 3 teaspoon dry vegetable broth
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 4 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoonsalt
  • Black pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

How to prepare it

Take a large pot, add few tablespoons of oil in it and leave it on medium heat. Boil the water separately in a kettle or another pot. Make sure to measure the right water amount.

Chop the onions and garlic in whatever size you see fit. Chop the mushrooms in smaller pieces. When the oil in the pot has heated up, drop in the onions.

When the onions start to smell good, add garlic, stir a little and then add mushrooms. Throw in the veggie broth powder and all the other spices. At this point, make sure to stir regularly. When the mushrooms have shrunk in size, carefully add in the canned tomatoes. Slowly stir the sauce. Now you can add in the sugar and all the boiled water. Stir again and then put in the pasta.

You can leave it to cook on medium-low heat for about 15 minutes or until the pasta is soft enough, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, you can chop the olives. Add the olives near the end of the cooking time. After the cooking has finished, you should add another tablespoon of olive oil to add creaminess to the sauce.



Vegan Pesto Pasta

pesto pasta vegan

For this pesto pasta recipe you need a food processor or a mini blender. Of course, you can also use a mortar and pestle if you have them. This recipe will feed 2 to 3 people.

There are two parts of this recipe. Check out the ingredient list below!

For the pasta you will need

  • 225g of dry pasta (best choice would be spaghetti or linguine)
  • 200g cherry tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons pasta water
  • ½ teaspoon salt

For the pesto you will need

  • 70g cashew nuts
  • 2 medium size garlic cloves, peeled
  • 2 handfuls of packed fresh basil
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon nutritional yeast (optional)
  • A pinch of salt

How to prepare it

Heat salted water in a pot, bring it to a boil and then add in the pasta. While the pasta is cooking, you can prepare the pesto. To make the pesto, combine cashews, garlic, basil, lemon juice, nutritional yeast and salt together in a food processor.

Nutritional yeast might be a new ingredient for people who are new to vegan cooking. Its role in recipes is to add a slightly cheesy flavor. However, this ingredient is optional. Pulse-blend all your pesto ingredients until a thick paste forms. Leave it aside for now.

When the pasta is done cooking, drain it, but make sure to reserve some pasta water in a separate bowl. Put the pasta back into the pot. Add in olive oil, sliced cherry tomatoes, pesto and some of the leftover pasta water. Mix it well. Adjust the salt and pasta water if needed. Serve it with some olive oil drizzled on top.


Vegan pasta salad

vegan pasta salad

Another delicious recipe that is full of colorful veggies! This pasta salad uses a simple Italian style dressing. This recipe can feed up to 4 people.

Make sure you’ve got all the necessary ingredients!

For the pasta you will need

  • 450g of dry pasta (best to choose short types like fusilli, macaroni or penne)
  • ½ red onion, thinly sliced
  • 200g cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered
  • 1 small bell pepper (orange), chopped
  • 100g black olives
  • 1 handful of chopped fresh parsley
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the dressing you will need

  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • A pinch of sugar

How to prepare it

Heat salted water in a pot, bring it to a boil and then add in the pasta. When the pasta is done, you can choose to rinse it in cold water if you want to serve the salad cold.

While the pasta is cooking, chop all the vegetables and make your dressing. To make the dressing, combine olive oil, vinegar, herbs, spices and sugar. Whisk it well and set aside. In a large bowl, add in your pasta, chopped vegetables and the dressing. Mix it well. Make some adjustments with salt and pepper to your taste. Enjoy your pasta salad!

Hopefully you test some of these vegan pasta recipes by yourself and enjoy them too.

Let me know if you have any other yummy vegan pasta recipes I should add!

You can check out more recipe ideas in my other articles such as Solyanka soup recipe or Easy dinner in 20 minutes: pasta salad.

birthday gift ideas

Creative bday gift ideas

Birthdays are one of my favorite days to celebrate. It’s a day that revolves only about the birthday’s owner. It’s the responsibility of the rest of the people – friends, family and loved ones – to make that person feel truly special. One way to do so is by having cool gift ideas.

When it comes to looking for appropriate birthday gifts, it can be challenging. To help you with that, I’ve compiled this list of fun and creative birthday gifts.

I’m sure you will find appropriate gifts for both men and women in this list. There’s somegood gift ideas for everybody – for you mom and dad, wife or husband, aunt or uncle etc.

Happy gift hunting!

Personalised necklace


There’s rarely too much jewellery so that’s exactly why they’re good gift ideas. Any girl (or guy) would love to receive a beautiful jewellery piece. Especially if it’s been personalised. Necklaces will never go out of style, because there are so many variations to them. And it’s nice to have options.

What makes this gift even more special, is the personalisation. Whether that’s choosing the style or color of the necklace, or going as far as engraving it with a personalised message or initials – it’s an amazing gift idea.

Ride with a hot air balloon

hot air balloon ride

Now here’s a gift idea that’s appropriate for big celebrations, because it is rather expensive. It can be a good gift for a special birthday when you turn a significant age – 16, 18, 21, 30, 40, 50 etc. A ride with a hot air balloon is an experience of the lifetime that everyone should definitely try at least once.

It’s a beautiful opportunity to fly high in the sky and completely enjoy the moment. No matter where you live, the view will be something extraordinary. Some try flying with a hot air balloon to get over their fear of heights. It’s a somewhat peaceful way to enjoy a flight because the rising is so gradual you barely notice it.

Everyday planner


If you’re looking for a present for someone who’s birthday is at the end of the year or at the very beginning of it, a good gift could be an everyday planner. It’s a useful gift that is appropriate for anyone, since you don’t necessarily have to be a busy person to own a good planner. 

Check out my article Plan your day and be happy to learn more on ways, how a good planner can improve your daily life.

Film camera

film camera

The more digitised our every-day life is, the more it seems we all want to go back in time. Is it just me? Maybe. But I would love nothing more than to get a cool film camera to take a few pictures on! 

Film cameras just seem to give a different vibe to the photos – a little bit grainy, warm toned with daylight, cool toned with flashlight, vintage-looking ect. If you’re looking for a gift for someone who likes taking photographs, this could be a very cool gift idea.

Relaxing SPA day

spa day

SPA centres are the best place where you can get absolute rest for your mind and body. When it comes to choosing a gift – it can be anything from a relaxing massage to facial, from getting a new manicure to a fresh haircut etc. There are so many procedures that leave you feeling good and relaxed.

This is another gift that will make your birthday boy or girl feel really loved and taken care of. It’s so lovely to receive a gift that’s whole purpose is to make you feel calm and relaxed. This is a perfect gift idea for your mom, wife or girlfriend, your closest friends etc.

Sustainable water bottle

water bottle

Daily humans are supposed to drink around 2 litres of water. For some it’s easier, for some harder. One thing that can definitely help, is always having extra water in your sustainable water bottle. My personal favorite is 24Bottles brand – their bottles are lightweight, stylish and high quality. More on this brand check out my article 24Bottles are my favorite.

It is nice to receive a gift that will not only improve your every-day life, but also your health and well being. Therefore a good quality and sustainable water bottle can really be a nice gift to get someone you care about.

Yoga mat

yoga mat

If you’re looking for a present for someone who likes exercising or would only now like to start, a good quality yoga mat is a must. It helps out a lot and makes working out so much more enjoyable. Besides, if the person you’re getting this gift for has talked about getting healthier for a while now, this will serve as great motivation.

I know that I just couldn’t bring myself to exercising for a very long time. The second I got a yoga mat, now it’s always there and I simply do not have an excuse not to do exercise.

Bath bomb set

bath bomb set

If you’re planning to get a gift for a busy person, who rarely has free time, then it’s a good idea to get something for their home. If they’re living a busy life, they could probably use some time off and relaxation. And since they don’t (probably) have enough time for a SPA day, then you can bring SPA to their home. 

A good start is getting a scented bath bomb set. Nothing a warm and relaxing bubble bath can’t fix! It also makes a good gift because there are so many fun bath bombs to try out – and they all are very pretty. Perfect for a gift! 

Ride with a dirt bike

dirt bike

Now there’s an active gift idea that some of your friends or even family members might enjoy! Riding with a dirt bike is somewhat of an extreme adventure that will give you a chance to fully let go and get loose. 

Best way to get this gift is with a gift card, unless you’re planning to go along with the birthday person. It will definitely be a fun time to remember! And you must not worry, because there are always professional instructors that will prepare you for the ride in well made tracks.

Handmade soap

handmade soap

Hand made gift ideas are always more appreciated because you’ve put your time, effort and creativity into making it. One cool idea is to make your own soap – or candle, bath salt or a good scrub. All of these things are fairly easy to make at home and you only need a few ingredients. There are a lot of soap making recipes on the internet.

You can later even personalise this gift with your own chosen colors, scents and decorations. Include a cool message for the birthday girl or boy. Maybe even try out your skills at writing their name on the soap or something creative like that! It will definitely be the coolest soap in their home!

Homemade candle DIY

diy candle gift

Candles are amazing – they fill up the room with light and create such a lovely atmosphere. Especially in the winter when it gets dark so fast in the day. There’s nothing better than watching a fall movie in the candlelit room. What a vibe!

To make a gift more special, it’s always good to create it yourself. For a fun experiment and a good gift idea, create your own candle. I’ve made an article DIY – create your own candle, on steps and ingredients you need to make your own beautiful candle. Hope you try it out!

A fun photoshoot

fun photoshoot

Another fun gift idea could be a photoshoot in a fun location. If your friend or family member feels good infront of the camera, then maybe they would love the chance to get some new photos. Just make sure you find a perfect location that they will love!

Maybe it’s a photoshoot by the beach, in a field of sunflowers or whatever else is in the season at the moment. Make sure you find cool outfits and have a few ideas to let the gift receiver to choose. It will be such a good time well spent together!

Hope you found what you were looking for and these gift ideas were useful! 

anniversary gift ideas

Cute 2nd anniversary gift ideas

Anniversaries are one of the most special events in the whole relationship. It’s the day when you can show your partner how much you truly care about them. That doesn’t mean you have to find crazy anniversary gift ideas. Although it doesn’t make the choice easier.

It’s often enough to show love and appreciation of special days such as anniversaries. Although quite often gifts can be a sign of love. No wonder gift giving and receiving is one of the love languages.

To make this decision a bit easier, here are some cute and meaningful anniversary gift ideas that you could use. Hope you find at least one that your partner will love!

Personalised jewellery


One gift that works for almost any and every occasion is jewellery. It’s especially great if you’re looking for a gift for a woman. Men can be tricky since not all of them love accessorising. Women, in most cases, truly do.

Either way you’ve probably noticed if they like wearing rings, earrings, necklaces etc. To make this gift more romantic and sweet, add some personalised details. It can be totally unnoticeable and something that means a lot to you both. Or it can be noticeable like your loved ones initials written on the necklace or something like that. 

Picture album of shared moments

picture album

Another cute gift idea for your 2nd anniversary is an album of all the meaningful pictures you two have together. This gift will definitely make them smile and help especially when they’re having a bad day.

You can simply buy an album and fill it up with cute memories. Or to make this gift even more special, make the album yourself. Glue pictures, write something cute or funny to each and every one. It will be an unforgettable gift.

Customizable wall art

wall art

If your loved one is into the interior and loves getting their space together, then a cool gift idea can be something related to that. For example, get them a super cool wall art. To make it align with the anniversary, create some meaning.

It could be the person’s favorite saying or quote. Or maybe it can be a picture of both of you, but made in a stylish way. You can always just hang a picture of you too by the wall but art should be something more. It should remind them of you and both of your time spent together.

Jar filled with meaningful paper notes

paper notes

A cute gift idea could be a jar of cute memories for your loved one to pick out from whenever needed. It’s a sentimental gift idea that costs almost nothing but pure love and a tiny bit of effort.

All you really need is a pretty glass jar – preferably one that can be closed and reopened. You will also need a bunch of paper notes and a pen. Get small paper notes and write something sweet or funny in every one of them. Then fold them so the receiver doesn’t see right way what’s written there.

Anniversary journal

anniversary card

Another anniversary gift idea is getting your partner an anniversary journal. It’s such a cute idea and a very thoughtful gift. Anniversary journals can be different, besides you can even make them yourself. I think it’s best to go with one that looks like a journal.

Every page is a place for a new anniversary. Since it’s only your 2nd anniversary, there will only be one picture of the first anniversary. If you, the one reading this article, have had more anniversaries, then this gift idea is still perfect. Just print out pictures from all of those anniversaries or write down how it went.

Someday you will both have a book filled with special moments together.

A sustainable water bottle

water bottle

Anniversary can also be a time to gift your loved one a practical item for everyday use. For example, a sustainable water bottle. Plastic water bottles are so out of style, besides they are super bad for the environment. So why still use them?

Find some cool options in the store 9 mugs.

A good water bottle will remind your partner to sip water throughout the day and do so regularly. It will remind them of you. Not everybody can remember to drink enough water during the day. If your partner struggles with that, this is the perfect gift for them.

More on this topic you can read in my other article called Tips to remind myself to drink water.

Time well spent together

picnic basket

The best gift to give AND receive is quality time together. On anniversaries you most likely will be together either way. So make sure you get the best of it and you spend the day truly magically. 

Surprise your partner with a cute date, have a picnic together or go to a fancy restaurant. It really depends on your interests, wants and the appropriate weather. A picnic by the beach or in some gorgeous meadow sounds like a dream date for the 2nd anniversary!

A surprise gift hunt

treasure hunt

If you already have a gift idea or don’t feel like getting much, there is another idea. It can be a surprise treasure slash gift hunt. Many times the couple will agree on not getting gifts but you still want to make that day special. This is how.

Create a map of hidden treasures. That way your loved one has to go on an adventure and find something special at the end. It can be hidden notes with riddles written on them. That way one note will lead to another, and then you can both go to a special place. The key of this gift is perfect planning.

If none of these gifts seem appealing, try to find more anniversary gift ideas by the person’s birth date. It’s a unique way to make sure the receiver will love the gift. More on that in the article Find gift by persons birth date.

Hope you found a good idea!

solyanka recipe

Solyanka soup recipe

Solyanka is one of those dishes that tastes differently in every household and is near impossible to make incorrectly. You simply have to find your favorite recipe. This is a soup that doesn’t require specific measurements for each ingredient, so you can adjust these to your taste.

The basic and classic meat solyanka uses only mixed meats. However, in our household the favorite classic recipe contains different cured meats and vegetables.

So this is our solyanka recipe.

Solyanka ingredients

Here are the necessary ingredients for our delicious solyanka soup.

  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 3 bay leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • 5-7 black peppercorns
  • Beef broth
  • Few tablespoons tomato paste
  • 400g canned tomatoes
  • Black olives
  • Pickles (finely chopped)
  • Pickle marinade
  • 1 onion
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 2 carrots
  • A couple of potatoes
  • Cabbage
  • Salami
  • Smoked ham or sausage
  • Beef
  • Chicken meat (leftovers from making chicken broth)
  • A couple pieces of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sugar

To serve:

  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Lemon
  • Sour cream
solyanka recipe

The Solyanka recipe preparation

In a big pot melt the butter and on low heat fry the onion, bay leaves, black peppercorn and salt. Stir constantly.

Then add crushed garlic, chopped carrot, celery and sauté for 10 minutes. Then add chopped cabbage and sauté for few more minutes.

Add tomato paste, stir and sauté for few minutes. Add canned tomatoes, broth and sugar. Bring it to a boil.

Add salami, ham or sausage, cut beef, pickles with marinade, and chopped olives. Boil for 20-30min. Have a taste and add more salt, pepper or red wine vinegar if needed.

Serve with thinly sliced lemon, sour cream, few whole olives and greens.


Looking for more meal ideas? Try making your own pasta salad by using the ingredients you love.

For the Latvian version of this article, visit the article Soļankas recepte latviešu gaumē.

pasta salad

Easy dinner in 20 minutes: pasta salad

On work day evenings, especially if it’s hot outside, it would be a sin to stay in the kitchen for too long of a time, preparing dinner. So a good and fast solution for a yummy dinner is a pasta salad.

Pasta is a pretty universal food when it comes to making something tasty and on a low time schedule. Since it requires only a few minutes to boil, your dinner can be served in less than 20 minutes. Warm foods can cause a bit more stress since they have to be eaten warm. Pasta is great because if it’s cold – you just make it into a salad. Therefore you can still take it everywhere with you and enjoy it cold.

More on pasta recipes check out our article Types of pasta sauce.

What kind of pasta to choose?

The best pasta for salads is the shorter one. You definitely don’t want any long noodles in your salad since it won’t mix that good with other ingredients. As long as the pasta is short, dish will be a success! Of course it is not the end of the world if the pasta you have at home is not too short.

Whatever kind of pasta is found at home, they’ll all fit for salad, even the big snail shapes in which you can fill the finer sliced vegetables. 

There are many kinds of pasta. You can see for yourself in our article Types of pasta noodles.

tasty pasta recipe

Pick your ingredients

Those 10 minutes while pasta boils, get right to the process of preparing the other ingredients. Those can be chosen completely to your own taste.

Chop the chicken fillet, cut into finer pieces the ham, chop off the canned tuna or toss in some yummy mushrooms of your choice. Don’t forgetto add some fresh vegetables to give your meal some nutritions. It can be some tomatoes, cucumbers, paprika, corn etc. Anything you want really!

If you want something more interesting, there is also an option to mix in fruit for pasta salad, such as melon or pineapple, especially if it is planned to add chicken.

In addition to make the meal more tasty think about the choice of cheese. Both mozzarella cheese and soft cheese balls will suit well here, and the blue or bran pieces will taste very sweet. When it comes to salad sauces, use what is available to you at home. Or allow your imagination do the trick – mix some oil with herbs, add yogurt with fresh greens or cover the salad generously with pesto.

Some additional tips for preparing pasta

pasta salad

Here are some more tips on how to make sure you know exactly what to do when it comes to cooking pasta. Enjoy!

How to know pasta is cooked?

One of the best ways to check if the pasta is prepared – with a fork to remove some pasta from the pot and taste it. The Italians even recommend putting it in their hands for it to cool down more quickly.

One of the old methods of testing if the pasta is done is throwing it against the wall. If the buttered pasta sticks to the wall, it’s ready. If the pasta falls on the floor, it’s not ready yet.

Use a lot of water and make it salty

A lot of water is used to boil pasta. On 450 grams of pasta, nearly five liters of water and a 10-liter saucepan are needed. The pasta, like the tango dancers, needs room for free movement. If the pot is not large enough, it is necessary to boil the pasta two seperate times.

Salt water matters a lot – not only to amplify pasta but also to help it soak up added flavor. Two teaspoons of salt will be enough for five liters of water.

Do not rinse your pasta

Pasta is not washed in cold water! They are simply punctuated, so that the starch in the pasta is not lost and they retain their taste.

Boil one type of pasta at a time

In one saucepan don’t boil two different forms of pasta! Each has its own cooking duration, so if you don’t want half the pasta dissolved, and the other half “al dente,” stick to one shape.

The ideal portion for one person is simple. If pasta is intended as an additive, 60 grams of pasta (weight before boiling) will be sufficient for one person. But if pasta is a basic dish, then double that number.

Bon appetit!

Tips to remind myself to drink water

Tips to remind myself to drink water

It’s important for a human to be hydrated throughout the day. Drinking at least 2 litres of water for a grown up is a must, although it’s not always so easily achieved. That’s why it’s useful to learn some tips on how to remind yourself to drink water more often.

I’ve never had any problems with drinking water, but even I tend to forget or get lost in my work. Only then hours later I realise I’ve been dehydrated for a while.

For that not to happen to you, I’ve created some tips on how to remember to drink water. These friendly tips are compiled in the article down below. Hope you find them helpful!

Set a daily goal for yourself

It’s good to start with a plan. It always helps with motivation if you know what you’re working towards and what’s your goal. For example, if you have to drink 2 litres of water per day, make it your mission. Get a measuring system – it won’t always be 8 glasses but maybe it’s a good start.

You might say that 2 litres of water is a lot, and for many people it truly is. Your water intake is greatly measured by your everyday lifestyle – what you eat, if you exercise, are feeling nervous etc. 

On how much water you should drink, check out my article How much water should I drink a day and find out European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) set recommendations.

Read more on how much water you should be drinking in the article How much water should I drink a day.

Drink before every meal

One trick that I’ve found is setting a specific time or way to remember to hydrate. For example, drink a glass of water every time you’re cooking your next meal. Or just thinking about doing so. That way you will make a routine for yourself and soon you will for sure get used to it. 

Another reason this tip is great, is because hunger can be tricky. Most of the time hunger is actually thirst in disguise. You’re not hungry – just thirsty. So drinking a glass of water before every meal can help you stay on track with your meals as well.

Tips to remind myself to drink water

Get yourself a nice bottle of water

Sustainable water bottles are becoming a trend which is very convenient both for our planet and for our health. A good water bottle will help you get rid of plastic waste and also track your water intake. 

I usually go for water bottles that are around 700ml to 1 litre big, that way I only have to refill my water bottle 2 to 3 times per day. In my eyes it makes it a lot easier to follow your goal. Many times I catch myself drinking even more water than I normally planned to.

If you will have your water bottle next to you at all times, it’s more likely you’ll use it. Check out cool and useful water bottles at 9 MUGS.

Give your water some flavor

Many people have a hard time drinking water because it simply doesn’t have a flavor. In times when grocery stores are filled with juices and lemonades with a variety of tens and hundreds of different flavors, it can be hard to come back to bland water. Especially if you must drink a whole 2 litres of it.

A simple hack for that is trying different ways to add flavor to your water. A still healthy but fun way to do so, is adding some cut berries or fruit. They can give a bit of flavor and a nice scent too. It’s also always great to add some peppermint leaves or lemon slices in your water. 

You will find some recipes in this article – How to make your water taste better.

Tips to remind myself to drink water

Try using a straw

As weird as it can sound at first – drinking water can be boring. Especially if you’re already struggling with getting it down. Then the whole day can get ruined by simply trying to drink some water. One way to make it more fun, is adding a straw.

I’d recommend getting a sustainable straw made from some sort of metal. There are so many cool straws in a variety of different colors – gold, silver, rose gold, even colorful metallic and rainbow.

It’s not uncommon that you drink your beverage with a straw and in one moment it’s all just gone. You simply don’t notice how fast your drink gets consumed. With water it could be a good thing.

Find a useful app that helps

And last but certainly not least, you can always reach for help in a modern way – through technology. There’s a bunch of apps that are specifically made to track your water intake. You can set notifications, desired times to hydrate etc.

Water intake in general is often found in many health and fitness apps. I’m sure you will be able to find a way to track your water intake in your favorite health or sports app too.

Get creative reminders on your wall

There are a bunch of creative ways to stay hydrated too. For example, I found this fun Happy Hydrate Water Glass tracker on Etsy. That platform is so cool because it’s filled with creative people who come up with amazing solutions for everyday problems.

If you struggle to hydrate, then maybe you should also get a fun reminder sticker or wall art like this one. You can track how many glasses of water you drink every day week. That way you will firstly see how many glasses you actually end up drinking. And then later it can help to motivate you reach your set goal.

Hope you found some great tips! Stay healthy!