Other ways to tell Happy birthday

Birthday is one of the most important days of everybody’s life. Every year it’s the one day that has to be happy. You’re in the center of attention, everybody is being extra nice to you. And the best part – you get well wishes and gifts. 

Only hearing ‘’Happy birthday!’’ all the time can get a bit old. It’s fun to switch it up a little and come up with new ways of saying happy birthday without actually using these words. So I decided to come up with a few ways of doing so.

In this article I’ve compiled a list of both sweet and funny ways to wish your loved ones happy birthday! 


Sweet ways to wish happy birthday

Other ways to tell Happy birthday

Here are some sweet ways to wish your loved ones a happy birthday in real life, write in a card or a text.

May your birthday be filled with laughter and much joy!


I wish you all the best on your special day. May all of your wishes come true!


May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!


A million magic wishes to you!


I wish you never stop enjoying all the happy, little moments in your life.


The more candles you blow, the merrier. Blow them all away and wish for the best!


May your day be filled with sweet things and some yummy cake.


It’s your birthday. Don’t think of anything else today but how great you are!


You always make me happy, so today I want to make you as happy as possible!


I’m the luckiest person in the world because I have you! Happy Birthday!


I’m so proud of the person you are and are becoming every day! Happy Birthday!


Hope you have an enjoyable birthday! You truly deserve it.


Birthday hugs and kisses incoming!


Let’s celebrate this epic day with an extravagant celebration.


May each candle you blow today grant you a wish.


The best things in life are yet to come for you.


You always make me happy, so I plan to make you even more happy on today’s occasion.


Hope today’s filled with all your favorite guilty pleasures!


So grateful that God put you on this earth and in my life.


Happy Birthday to a friend I couldn’t live without!


Funny ways to wish happy birthday

Other ways to tell Happy birthday

Here are some funny ways to wish your loved ones a happy birthday in real life, write in a card or a text.

Happy anniversary with life! 


Happy Beerday! Time to celebrate!


Happy birthday to you. Did you know that you’re one of the few people in the world that I can actually tolerate?


Call me if you need help disposing of a body. Since it’s your birthday, the first one is free of charge.


Can you believe it?! I remembered your birthday without Facebook reminding me about it. Happy birthday!


Don’t mind the past for you can’t change it. Stop thinking about the future for you can’t anticipate it. Pay no heed about the present for I didn’t get you one.


Here’s to aging and wrinkles.


I know it’s your special day but please take it slow. Too many birthdays can kill you.


I’m greeting you first so that I can feel superior to the rest of your well-wishers. Hence, happy birthday!


May this special day of yours be absolutely terrific, and your hangover be compassionately negligible.


Didn’t we just celebrate this like a year ago? Happy birthday again, I guess…


Happy stuff your face with cake day!


Congratulations on another year of skillful death evasion!


May you be as fabulous as me on this special day of yours.


Now, now, don’t get all weird about getting older, you hear me.


Open your Facebook for this is the only day you’ll receive tons of heartfelt greetings from people you never talked to in ages.


Remember that I will always be there to pick you up when you fall. But only after I stop laughing. Happy birthday, my friend!


This is the perfect day to thank me for remembering your birthday.


Today’s a great excuse for you to make some bad decisions. Let’s party!


Wow, you made another 365-day revolution around the sun! I hope you always enjoy your trips.


Let’s eat cake, drink booze, and party all day and night. After all, it’s your birthday!


You’re a year closer to getting that senior citizen’s discount. Keep at it!


Just because it’s your birthday today doesn’t mean you’re special. You see, you are always special no matter what day it is.


Happy birthday in different languages

Other ways to tell Happy birthday

For all your international friends and colleagues, here are some translations to surprise them for their birthday. They will surely appreciate the effort from you to wish them a happy birthday in their native language!

Happy Birthday!

Here are the different translations to wish Happy Birthday!

Spanish – ¡Feliz cumpleaños!

French – Joyeux Anniversaire !

Italian – Buon compleanno!

German – Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

Portuguese – Feliz Aniversário!

Russian – С днём рождения!

Chinese – 生日快乐!

Japanese – お誕生日おめでとうございます

Polish – Wszystkiego najlepszego!

I wish you all the best on your special day!

Here are the different translations to wish all the best on their special day.

Spanish – Le deseo lo mejor en su día especial.

French – Je vous souhaite tout le succès possible pour cette journée spéciale !

Italian – Vi auguro tutto il meglio per il vostro giorno speciale!

German – Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute zu Ihrem besonderen Tag!

Portuguese – Desejo-vos tudo de bom no vosso dia especial!

Russia – Желаю тебе всего наилучшего в твой особенный день!

Chinese – 祝愿你们在特殊的日子里一切顺利!

Japanese – 特別な日を迎えられますように

Polish – Życzę Wam wszystkiego najlepszego w Waszym wyjątkowym dniu!

Hope you enjoyed this article!

If you’re not only looking for a birthday wish but a gift as well, check out our article Creative bday gifts ideas

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